Megan I still can't masturbate even when my husband unlocks me and gently encourages me to try. I can touch for a minute and it feels sorta nice but then it stops and my hands move away and I need my husband to finish.
Patient love is the best love. I needed Goody's help for years to come to terms with this, because I was the same way.
I worry about this with my philosophy, but there's also a different between "telling someone to learn and then take it away" and "just turn a blind eye until it's the right time to level up your virtue."
Megan I have no idea what I would do in a divorce because I would get excited and even if my Mom gave me breaks I wouldn't know how to finish.
I'm pretty sure the answer to your question is "permanent belting and no unsupervised breaks until marriage"!
Megan Some people will say this is sweet, but if a woman were married to a controlling manipulative man it could be awful because you wouldn't want to leave.
This is a repeating nightmare for me when I've been thinking too much about chastity. All the power I would place in the hands of authority figures entirely depends on them being responsible with the power.