Abby82 Well it would probably motivate, but the belt makes me insecure in searching boys šŸ˜…

I have told my husband that a lot of girls have said that, and he agrees with you.
That's another reason he is NOT a fan at all of some of the makers.

Rafael The conflict exists since the belt is not something that should be used on younger girls as it would affect their own knowledge and development and that is a crime.

Of course you don't want to do anything with the girls that would be creepy and I won't say to belt teens like I was either because that would make me sound like the many pedophile trolls on the internet.
But if it was you @Rafael would you want someone tell you to learn to masturbate for education and then never do it again and just be uncomfortable ???
There are also people who never masturbated and were belted as teens but are very rebellious and uncomfortable.

I still can't masturbate even when my husband unlocks me and gently encourages me to try. I can touch for a minute and it feels sorta nice but then it stops and my hands move away and I need my husband to finish.
There are people who have complained on here how they will play around their belts or with their breasts and butts but then it stops and they can't continue but that's how I already am naturally without my belt.
I have no idea what I would do in a divorce because I would get excited and even if my Mom gave me breaks I wouldn't know how to finish.
Some people will say this is sweet, but if a woman were married to a controlling manipulative man it could be awful because you wouldn't want to leave.

So I will just say everyone is different and @Ines zen comfort state is very great.
What might be right for one woman might not be right for another woman.

    Megan I still can't masturbate even when my husband unlocks me and gently encourages me to try. I can touch for a minute and it feels sorta nice but then it stops and my hands move away and I need my husband to finish.

    Patient love is the best love. I needed Goody's help for years to come to terms with this, because I was the same way.

    Megan But if it was you @Rafael would you want someone tell you to learn to masturbate for education and then never do it again and just be uncomfortable ???

    I worry about this with my philosophy, but there's also a different between "telling someone to learn and then take it away" and "just turn a blind eye until it's the right time to level up your virtue."

    Megan I have no idea what I would do in a divorce because I would get excited and even if my Mom gave me breaks I wouldn't know how to finish.

    I'm pretty sure the answer to your question is "permanent belting and no unsupervised breaks until marriage"!

    Megan Some people will say this is sweet, but if a woman were married to a controlling manipulative man it could be awful because you wouldn't want to leave.

    This is a repeating nightmare for me when I've been thinking too much about chastity. All the power I would place in the hands of authority figures entirely depends on them being responsible with the power.


      You have written a message that has many points to reflect on, I like to interact with you because it is seen not only that you have a lot of experience but also that you answer with more complex answers than usual.

      Megan But if it was you @Rafael would you want someone tell you to learn to masturbate for education and then never do it again and just be uncomfortable ???

      Here I think you are misunderstanding me, in my family we would never teach girls to do that, and in fact, they knew they were not allowed to do it.
      That on the one hand, but actually I know what you mean, and it is that surely at some point they let go and did it without thinking about why it was forbidden.

      Megan Of course you don't want to do anything with the girls that would be creepy and I won't say to belt teens like I was either because that would make me sound like the many pedophile trolls on the internet.

      Again you are right and I think that talking about when you should start wearing a belt can be the subject of debate and I do not think that it should, as you say, give rise to pedophiles.
      I think about starting at university to avoid possible abuses and allow healthy development, but it is also true that it was when we considered it, we would never know if another scenario would have been possible.

      Megan Some people will say this is sweet, but if a woman were married to a controlling manipulative man it could be awful because you wouldn't want to leave.

      It is sweet Your husband is very lucky to be able to enjoy you. I also agree with you in what you say about the risks of a bad man, but it is a risk that also exists without the belt. That is why we parents have the obligation to educate daughters who are women and who enjoy being women, but who value themselves and are safe.

      Megan So I will just say everyone is different and @Ines zen comfort state is very great.

      She is like that. She has very feminine manners and she is very clear about how to behave, but she doesn't let herself be ignored or stepped on.

        Rafael She is like that. She has very feminine manners and she is very clear about how to behave, but she doesn't let herself be ignored or stepped on.

        Ines is what the kids these days call "chastity goals" šŸ™‚.

        Saintprudence 'm pretty sure the answer to your question is "permanent belting and no unsupervised breaks until marriage"!

        What I am talking about wasn't meant to entertain you.
        I don't know what I would do it would be different than when I was a girl.

        What if after 6 months of failing to masturbate it back fired and sent me into an even worse relationship. There have been several women who went into porn because they could not really finish masturbating. Again it's not entertaining that is just how my body is. There are also women who orgasm from almost nothing and they could live a good upright life too. Just how they are.
        Before @Sin jokes and send me an instructional video I understand how women orgasm but it just really doesn't interest me and it stops after a couple minutes. I don't feel guilty because I was raised chaste or anything like that.

        I have already vented and been unfairly mean to my husband about more recently in the relationship I realized how the natural differences in our bodies give him a lot of influence over me. He stopped spinning me around so fast which makes me dizzy, and we talked about the different things that happened to other people that had upset me.

          Saintprudence This is a repeating nightmare for me when I've been thinking too much about chastity. All the power I would place in the hands of authority figures entirely depends on them being responsible with the power.

          How can everyone know what that is before it happens ???
          You have to talk and have some good advice from somewhere

            Rafael It is sweet Your husband is very lucky to be able to enjoy you. I also agree with you in what you say about the risks of a bad man, but it is a risk that also exists without the belt. That is why we parents have the obligation to educate daughters who are women and who enjoy being women, but who value themselves and are safe.

            Thank you so much that is sweet. I am very lucky to have him to and he isn't on the dating websites especially not the BDSM dating sites sooo there would have been no way to find him there.
            Because someone has a chastity belt is no reason to think you are forced to go there.
            That is why people like you and @Ines and @Laura are so valuable to let girls (and trolls) talk so we can know this.

            Rafael She is like that. She has very feminine manners and she is very clear about how to behave, but she doesn't let herself be ignored or stepped on.

            She is the greatest. We all know

            • Ines replied to this.

              Megan She is the greatest. We all know

              The greatest inquisitor, no more.
              And sometimes I am a bit bossy, and it is not nice in a girl.

                Ines And sometimes I am a bit bossy, and it is not nice in a girl.

                Okay, this I think is not true. Leadership is important for everyone. If it's 'not nice' in a girl, it's 'not nice' in a guy too. Machismo doesn't make it OK.

                  Megan What if after 6 months of failing to masturbate it back fired and sent me into an even worse relationship.

                  In that sense is better wear the belt again. I have no experience on the subject, but probably, and if I understand what you are saying, trying to reach an orgasm would cause you anxiety because it is difficult for you to achieve it without a partner.

                  Megan Before @Sin jokes and send me an instructional video I understand how women orgasm but it just really doesn't interest me and it stops after a couple minutes. I don't feel guilty because I was raised chaste or anything like that.

                  The same happens to me. Many times I do notice that my body is excited, I do not know if I am explaining myself, and I am hot and my heart rate goes up and there is even a little flow down there.
                  This usually coincides with the times of ovulation.
                  But even though my body notices that, my mind does not ask me to try to touch myself. My body simply prepares itself in case a male wanted to impregnate me, I would give him certain facilities. pure physiology.

                  Megan How can everyone know what that is before it happens ???
                  You have to talk and have some good advice from somewhere

                  Sadly, many times, in this type of relationship, two pathological personalities coincide, one evil, and the other not evil, but pathological.
                  Many times these men have traits of psychopathy, and psychopaths are the masters of masquerades. They can cheat on you during years of courtship, for them it is one more mask. They are also usually narcissistic and manipulative, so they have been doing it since they were children.
                  What we have to do is take care of ourselves inside and out, be smart and beautiful and leave that guy at the first bad sign. That as women we are worth a lot, we contribute a lot, and the least we deserve is a boy who takes good care of us.


                  I am not a leader, in fact I search for good leaders. Usually we girls prefer that they take us a little by the hand in some things. Normally we like to feel important to the group for some good reason, to be very skilled at something, to be conciliatory... but normally we do not like to have the weight of making decisions and assuming that even a good decision is going to harm someone and those people It will hold us accountable.

                  Being bossy is different from being a leader, and the truth is that nobody likes bossy girls. Not even bossy girls! šŸ˜…

                  Megan Before @Sin jokes and send me an instructional video I understand how women orgasm but it just really doesn't interest me and it stops after a couple minutes.

                  Hey sista you do you, that's what's important. šŸ™‚
                  I haven't double-clicked the hairy mouse all year thankyou very much!

                  • Ines replied to this.

                    Sin double-clicked the hairy mouse


                    You do not have shame! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
                    Wild outback girl!

                    I bet you could win alone the Emu War only blushing the poor birds...

                    I got lost in the discussion at a certain point, so just briefly to the original question.

                    i think on the one hand a girl would try harder to find a husband, but might end up with the wrong one because she feels pressured by her own sexual needs. she might not be permanently happy because she got married "too fast". on the other hand, the belt also inhibits a girl from dating because she is afraid of rejecting a future partner.

                    for me personally i think it would have been easier if i had worn the belt before my first orgasm, but i was 14 and compared to my friends already relatively late. i don't want to judge if a belt at such an age is good or bad.

                    a_father To be fair, this is probably why it's a good thing I'm not a parent and never will be. I don't even know what good parenting LOOKS like.