Saintprudence So perhaps the young should be counseled not to self-pleasure, but we turn a blind eye to what we can’t and shouldn’t stop. Then adulthood arrives, and it is time to put away childish things.
I agree with you, we did not think about wearing a chastity belt when our daughters were at that complicated age, but if they knew that it was something that they were prohibited from doing, nonetheless, well, what always happens when something is prohibited and is not reviewed. I'm not even going to ask them about that at this point.
Saintprudence Touching yourself with no regard for your future spouse is a childish act. But it’s hard as an adult to refrain, which is why a good girl accepts a belt to assist her willpower.
As an adult woman I must admit that only one thing has worked to contain me, even knowing that, as a woman, it was a shame. And I'm not just talking about masturbation, I'm also talking about certain pressures in certain areas even when you're dressed, jets of water on the bikini... many stimuli that many of us seek every day without the belt.
Saintprudence It’s regrettable that this means people are likely to become familiar enough with orgasms to fully know what they’re missing once the belt goes on, but I don’t see any other ethical path. I would have asked to be belted as a teen if I knew it was an option, but I also think it would have been wrong for my mother to agree.
Agree everything.