Joh Many are, for sure. But some - or even many aren't.

Avery Interresting. I've always thought that's a male issue only

Laura But they were adults, right? We talk about parents introducong the belt.

    Andrew I don't think @Angelina likes to be controlled. She doesn't want to continue wearing when she is married. But she thinks about suggesting her (future) daughter wearing a belt...
    Wearing a belt is In my opinion a mixture of fear losing parent's love and conditioning. When you always hear sex an masturbation are bad and the Holy Grail is wearing a chastity belt you will beliefe it. (You should read Skinner's theory of behaviorism.)
    But in my opinion most keyholders here have a dominant streak an like making the females in the family wearing a chastity belt. Why should EDITED when they can have it in the family? I know, hard words, but the keyholderrs here should think about. Maybe it's a mixture of wanting to be dominated and a dominant keyholder. For me it's nothing but a EDITED inside a family. When a couple likes having such a relationship and both are fine with it, it's ok. But when this relationship includes the daughters (or sons) it becomes abusive.
    And I exclude @Renita . She has other reasons (or not?).

      a_father But they were adults, right?

      Yes, my that friend was an adult

      a_father Andrew I don't think @Angelina likes to be controlled. She doesn't want to continue wearing when she is married. But she thinks about suggesting her (future) daughter wearing a belt...

      It's possible you're right. However, I do not wish to discuss individual cases.

      a_father And I exclude @Renita . She has other reasons (or not?).

      Why? The same, if we are talking about mastrubation

      a_father I know, hard words

      Then, do not use them. It is easy.
      Your tone does not make favour to conversation climate.

        Joh Under consideration you start to find out what sexuality is masturbation is the first step before you have a relation with someone else.

        yes, that was the case with me too, but it's a bit difficult with the other one. I was 14 and then your example is correct, but many started much earlier than I did


        so just so i get it right: your thesis is that you think i accept the belt because i have sadomasochistic traits, wow !

        a_father It becomes very bad, when you can read here, the current weares would suggest their future daughters to wear a chastity belt.

        I would never suggest it to my daughter, but talking about it is not a crime, what my daughter does with the information would remain her own decision

        a_father But she thinks about suggesting her (future) daughter wearing a belt...

        no, I don't, sorry if that was expressed wrongly, I just want to show her what I wore, why and what advantages and disadvantages there are, after that she can decide what she wants, she can also ignore it completely. I'm only writing about hypothetical situations in which my daughter would want it and how I would react to it

          Angelina and disadvantages there are

          As the past behavior of your father.


          • Ines replied to this.


            You are totally right, @Avery , it is abject, but I think we do not make a favour to the forum talking again about a old thread that was locked.
            I think exactly the same than you about this point, and it is awful saying the less.
            In fact, I will hide it.
            Forum is much better right now, even if we have a lot of work in the future.
            Please, do not remove old stuff.

              Ines it is abject, but I think we do not make a favour to the forum talking again about a old thread that was locked.

              I agree, @Ines . But I thought it was worth it to point out that after, supposedly, going through all these terrible - abject you said - experiences she now suggests she is going to expose her daughter to the same. @a_father is right when he says "It is very bad" and "But she thinks about suggesting her (future) daughter wearing a belt".

              By the way Chastity bra, the thread I quoted, is not locked. I quoted her in part to make sure she did not delete the stuff.


                Oh, thanks....
                I will mod it right now.
                I go across all threads, but is a strenuous job. 🙄

                Honestly from my experiences with German culture, nudity in the family is usually no big deal. Of course there is a difference between not wearing clothes and being ordered to take them off, but that difference is mostly the consent boundary that her father has already crossed, but that she would not want to cross in the same way with her daughter.

                  youdontknowme but that she would not want to cross in the same way with her daughter.

                  It is the father that must not cross the boundary.

                    Kaja Good words. I agre3 with you for 150%

                    I wouldn't say that I am in a sm relationship. I am not in a relationship with equal rights, so I disagree in this point. But I am in a consensual relationship where I agreed (and still do) to have less rights and to be kept belted. Beside this, I can agree.

                    But I think what we do has almost nothing in common with SM. SM is mostly a sex game.

                      Angelina so just so i get it right: your thesis is that you think i accept the belt because i have sadomasochistic traits, wow !

                      As I replied to @a_father, I don't want to discuss individual cases. My hypothesis and its development were of a general nature, which does not mean, however, that they apply to everyone. It's my fault that I didn't anticipate @a_father referring to a specific case (yours). If you felt offended by my reasoning, I am very sorry.

                        Sara2001 I wouldn't say that I am in a sm relationship. I am not in a relationship with equal rights, so I disagree in this point. But I am in a consensual relationship where I agreed (and still do) to have less rights and to be kept belted. Beside this, I can agree.

                        But I think what we do has almost nothing in common with SM. SM is mostly a sex game.

                        Sadomasochism is not a fully defined concept, so everyone can understand it differently. Personally, in the context of typical consensual play, I usually use the term "BDSM". Sadomasochism has a broader (medical) meaning for me, including situations where there is a hierarchical relationship of a sexual or quasi-sexual nature between two unequal parties, one dominant and the other subordinate. Both the DSM-5 classification and (no longer valid) ICD-10 exclude "classic" BDSM from the spectrum of sadomasochism for the purposes of diagnosis.

                          Andrew Both the DSM-5 classification and (no longer valid) ICD-10 exclude "classic" BDSM from the spectrum of sadomasochism for the purposes of diagnosis.

                          Actually, both masochism and sadism are still part of medical diagnostic standards, but today there is one critical element that must be present for this diagnosis to actually apply: the person must feel that he/she is actually suffering from having these feelings. If you have either masochistic or sadistic urges but are completely fine with that, the medical diagnosis criteria are not met.