I would be more careful to apply your views and generalise everything.
Take corporal punishment as an example. 100 years ago, children got routinely spanked for misbehaving, not only at home but also in school.
Today we consider that inappropriate, but it was completely normal to our grandparents.
And surprise, surprise, most of our grandparents actually did not feel like 'victims of physical abuse' or were emotionally traumatised for life.
In other words:
There are many ways to bring up children. And to so
me people chastity is part of how they do that. What is wrong in your views might be desirable in someone else's view.
Constantly harping about how wrong everyone is who is not in line with what you consider right is not a good thing. Angelina for example has expressed on multiple occasions that while she does not like to wear the belt, she ultimately is accepting her father's authority in that matter. And based on her rather self conscious and intelligent way to communicate, I doubt that she will be temotionally raumatised or needing psychological treatment from having been kept in chastity until her wedding.