My belt is no longer a secret. Now my mum knows about it.
There was a lot to talk about.
My mum had noticed my significantly better results at school, but she hadn't expected such a background.
youdontknowme but can cause serious problems when the situation develops into something truly unforeseen.
that is certainly a point that speaks for the opposite, right.
youdontknowme Another reason is that it might unintentionally come across as a kink thing,
I understand your argument But it's definitely not a kink use. The results of the last school year actually showed that.
When I was wearing the belt, the results were significantly better than when I wasn't wearing it. I spend the most of my time and energy on school and learning and dont wasted it by watching porn and its aftermath.
At this moment no decision has been made. My mum doesn't mind at all. But she would like to take some time to think about it. However, I will be informed of her decision today.
Saintprudence you might not get what you want, but you'll get what you deserve.
If she takes over the key, then first until after graduation. Then we can see further, she said.