Andrew Emotional and financial issues can create real compulsion and, depending on the situation, may be enough to speak of involuntary wearing of a chastity belt.
Well, I have always said that everything depends on the starting point.
It is obvious that what is desirable is a pure acceptance of the belt for personal ethics, but I am not absolutely against "bribery" either.
I say this because especially here I have seen bribery work with girls who were not basically reluctant to wear a chastity belt, but sometimes, in order to accept a keyholder's condition, the keyholder must add "some bonus".
Okay, it is not perfect, but I have seen that with my cousins, and it certainly does not tarnish the voluntary use.
Regarding peer pressure, well again, if in a family all the girls use it because they think it is the right thing to do, it is logical that they reveal a little bit if some other girl does not use it, or that they make her see that it is the right thing to do. Now, there were girls here in other times who were told that if they did not wear a belt, the family would be destroyed because she would be rejected. These are very different things.
Andrew are such a niche issue that it is difficult to formulate more general conclusions from the sociological point of view.
I tend to think that in upper classes the use is higher, and I believe and have said that sometime here years ago, in certain circles its use may be common, and I am talking about social elites well beyond the upper or affluent class that most of us girls here move in, and what @Barbara has written here and what I have talked to her about, does nothing but convince me more of that.
In certain more typically conservative circles they will worry about their daughters behaving properly just as they will not tolerate a son not walking a girl home or not holding the door for her or yielding to her. It is clear that in large social circles these rules, which for me are basic in my environment, are not followed.