
Yes,as you like the feeling to be overpowered by your chastity belt,the thigh bands can be a nice addition to get this feeling often.

Angelina exactly that is my plan. always one step after the other 😉

It is probably the best way to get some more freedom,even if slowly.

Angelina i see it quite differently. for me the tighbands are definitely the worst 🙁 no matter if with padlock or chain . they are just soo restrictive 🙁

I don't feel it is the worse psychologically,but it is way more restrictive,yes.I can do a lot of activities with my chastity belt on and my chastity bra on too,but I can't do many things when my thigh bands are locked...

  • Ines replied to this.

    Vanessa I can't do many things when my thigh bands are locked...

    This is one the nice points, to ask to be released and our mother opening in order we can do our activities.
    When keyyholder do not release the thigh bands, the beautiful feeling of being caressed and feel dependable of a person that loves us, is gone.
    And it is the problem with some of you.
    As usually I say, our belts are the same, difference comes of our personality and the attitude of the holder.
    Belting just can be enjoyed with a parents that worry for us in fully and integral way. And, yes, to have a belted girl in home is necessary a lot of responsibility, tons of love and tons of patience, to deal with our needs and to deal with our some bratty moments.
    It is the least we deserve!

      Ines Belting just can be enjoyed with a parents that worry for us in fully and integral way. And, yes, to have a belted girl in home is necessary a lot of responsibility, tons of love and tons of patience, to deal with our needs and to deal with our some bratty moments.
      It is the least we deserve!

      I think it is extremely uncommon that the same parents who think that a chastity belt is not enough security for their daughter are the same parents who think "Hey, lets make an exception for..." whenever one of wants more freedom to do something that is easier or simply possible without the tightbands.

      I think my father is full of love of me and he acts responsible. He takes my needs into account and listen to my arguments when we talk about something. The same is true for my sister. He is just very convinced that I/we don't need more freedom and if something is not possible with tightbands, there are enough other activities I can do. He sets security before comfort without any exception. If that means that some hobbies are no longer possible, it is a price that fits for the benefit.

        Sara2001 The same is true for my sister. He is just very convinced that I/we don't need more freedom and if something is not possible with tightbands, there are enough other activities I can do

        There are a lot of necessary activities that are not possible. You can not substitute sport, for example.

          Ines There are a lot of necessary activities that are not possible. You can not substitute sport, for example.

          Yes, but we have a little sport room in our basement we can use. It has stations we can easily use with the tightbands. Once riding bicycle became impossible because of the tightbands, I started on a rowing machine. It's not perfect and I would like to be able to do any kind of sports but for my father it shows that I can stay healthy when I am in the tightbands.

          • Ines replied to this.


            better slowly than not at all or ? 😉

            yes the tighbands are very bad, which is due to the physical limitations. the cb and the bra strict mostly only when i get horny but the tighbands are always present 🙁


            that is the difference between your family and our families, we have no influence on whether or when we are released, not even with the tighbands

            Since when do I do sports? 😂


            there I join 😉 my father acts exactly so, but I would never doubt his love to me 🙂

              Mainly fitness stations. Cardio and anaerobic are far more important for us.
              And you can not do this training with bands. The less developed your cardio and less tonified your legs muscles, the worse for your joints and bones.
              And for girls, more that for men, it is very important help our bones.
              If you use machine instead walk or run, will occur 2 things:
              You will develope your leg muscles in a not feminine shape, and that big muscles will add weight to the work of your joints.


              I agree too.Your feelings about chastity belt are probably closely related to the way it is used in your family,way different than it is for several of us.And it needs parents to consider chastity belts,and the best way to use it,differently.

              I'm sure that my parents worry and care for me too,but they have very different opinion about how a chastity belt should be used than your parents.

              I guess with two daughters belted at home,it needs even more time and patience!😉


              It is similar for me too,the security is the main concern,especially as they noticed my chastity belt doens't prevent me to do a lot of my usual activities.Except sexual ones,of course.If I was prevented to do a sport,for example,while I liked it a lot,I think I would have been able to convince them to let me free doing it,but closely monitored,however.But it would have been hard to convince them and not for too many things.

              Angelina better slowly than not at all or ? 😉

              Sure,it is better to get it,even slowly!

              Angelina yes the tighbands are very bad, which is due to the physical limitations. the cb and the bra strict mostly only when i get horny but the tighbands are always present 🙁

              Each of these devices have their worst parts,and the ones we hate the most can depend on our mood and activities...


                not really, the tighbands are by far the worst 🙁 i have maybe 2-3 times a day sexual lust and am prevented from cb and bra to live it 🙁 but i feel the tighbands persist, especially bad if you are in a hurry and can not run fast 🙁


                  I agree thigh bands are more limiting and can be frustrating in non-sewual ways too.But,when I've urges and my chastity belt prevents me to relieve these,or when I'm intimate with Emilie and she can't touch me between my legs or on my breasts,I hate much more the chastity belt and chastity bra!


                    as you already say, when i have sexual urge it is of course in the belt and bra much worse, but in normal everyday life the tighbands are the worst 🙁

                    we shouldn't think about sex all the time 😉


                      I tend to think about it a lot! 😉

                      But,too,I don't have to wear the thigh bands as often as you,it should be very hard to have them on permanently.Even more when wearing it to go out.

                        Vanessa But,too,I don't have to wear the thigh bands as often as you,it should be very hard to have them on permanently.Even more when wearing it to go out.

                        I can guarantee you that. It is something you never forget. I feel the presence of them all the time and my feelings changed a bit. It is still very limiting and I still hate the limits a lot. Especially when I am in a hurry, but the psychological aspects are more important for me now. I feel very humiliated all the time and started to cry a lot about them/my situation often. Maybe I thought about the arguments from my sister. She feels very trapped in them.

                          I feel sorry to read that.
                          When you do not have positive feedback of the belt it should be horrible.
                          Maybe, even respecting your submissive role : could you talk with your parents?
                          The feeling about belt is very bad from your part, and maybe for that you see it as something humiliating.
                          I can understand a lot of bad thinkings about belts, even if I do not share those thinkings, but when some of you see it as humiliating I can not understand.
                          In fact I do not like at all ready such things because when you see as humiliating to wear a belt make feel very pity.
                          In my opinion a belt, or bands can be restrictive, exhausting, frustrating all those things I can understand.
                          But feel it as humiliating make me see how bad you have to feel everyday.

                          PS. 10 minutes and I enter in the test.


                            the most difficult thing is to wear the tighbands outside, you haven't had this experience yet, so you probably think a little differently 😉


                            i feel exactly the same 🙁 it is very restrictive and always present, it just feels bad, i feel tied up and humiliated. i can imagine how hard it is for your sister when i had the tighbands new, it was the hardest experience of my life and i still feel very bad about it 🙁


                            with sara and with me the family circumstances are completely different than with you, therefore our feelings towards the cb and the tighbands are clearly more negative than your feelings.

                              Ines When you do not have positive feedback of the belt it should be horrible.

                              It is. The tightbands more then the cb.

                              Ines Maybe, even respecting your submissive role : could you talk with your parents?

                              Of course I can. But my father has a strong position about female sexuality. Not before marriage and better after marriage under strict male control. No exceptions. Ensuring this is a top priority.

                              Ines The feeling about belt is very bad from your part, and maybe for that you see it as something humiliating.

                              I don't think how someone could think in a different way 🙂. Even if I wear it out of my own choice I would feel extremely humiliated if someone will notice it.

                              At least in the society I live, nobody thinks that it is a normal think. The best I can expect is that they only think that I am a freak.

                              Angelina the most difficult thing is to wear the tighbands outside, you haven't had this experience yet, so you probably think a little differently 😉

                              Definitely, especially longer distances. I also hate the feeling of not being able to take a bike for longer distances.

                              Angelina i had the tighbands new, it was the hardest experience of my life and i still feel very bad about it 🙁

                              I don't think it's getting much better 🙁

                                Ines PS. 10 minutes and I enter in the test.

                                Good luck. I hope everything worked well.

                                • Ines replied to this.

                                  Sara2001 I don't think how someone could think in a different way 🙂. Even if I wear it out of my own choice I would feel extremely humiliated if someone will notice it.

                                  At least in the society I live, nobody thinks that it is a normal think. The best I can expect is that they only think that I am a freak.

                                  In my society is not common at all, but something not common it is not humiliating.
                                  The freak component is something that I have in my mind, specially seeing some experience of my sister.


                                  that's exactly what i think, most people i know wouldn't think of it as normal or ok if i presented the belt or the tighbands freely 🙁

                                  and yes it is definitely very hard, I can fully understand your situation and unfortunately feel the same 🙁

                                  i wish i could encourage you, since you wear the tighbands also 24/7, you seem to have developed quite a hate against it, which is understandable. i would like to help you, but i have no better experiences than you, it is really very bad 🙁