I agree too.Your feelings about chastity belt are probably closely related to the way it is used in your family,way different than it is for several of us.And it needs parents to consider chastity belts,and the best way to use it,differently.
I'm sure that my parents worry and care for me too,but they have very different opinion about how a chastity belt should be used than your parents.
I guess with two daughters belted at home,it needs even more time and patience!
It is similar for me too,the security is the main concern,especially as they noticed my chastity belt doens't prevent me to do a lot of my usual activities.Except sexual ones,of course.If I was prevented to do a sport,for example,while I liked it a lot,I think I would have been able to convince them to let me free doing it,but closely monitored,however.But it would have been hard to convince them and not for too many things.
Angelina better slowly than not at all or ?
Sure,it is better to get it,even slowly!
Angelina yes the tighbands are very bad, which is due to the physical limitations. the cb and the bra strict mostly only when i get horny but the tighbands are always present
Each of these devices have their worst parts,and the ones we hate the most can depend on our mood and activities...