
Is it even harder for you than at the start?

Sorry you,and yiur sister crie soften due to it.


I understand @Sara2001's feelings,as I feel wearing a chastity belt is very humiliating.It can be very diffrent for you,as you agree with it,however.

Angelina the most difficult thing is to wear the tighbands outside, you haven't had this experience yet, so you probably think a little differently 😉

Yes,I guess it plays a good part on it.It is probably very awful to wear it outside too.

Sara2001 Of course I can. But my father has a strong position about female sexuality. Not before marriage and better after marriage under strict male control. No exceptions. Ensuring this is a top priority.

So you can talk with them,but it would be useless,right?

Angelina that's exactly what i think, most people i know wouldn't think of it as normal or ok if i presented the belt or the tighbands freely 🙁

Same for me.

Angelina and yes it is definitely very hard, I can fully understand your situation and unfortunately feel the same 🙁

i wish i could encourage you, since you wear the tighbands also 24/7, you seem to have developed quite a hate against it, which is understandable. i would like to help you, but i have no better experiences than you, it is really very bad 🙁

It seems it is very hard to manage a permanent wearing of thigh bands,maybe even harder than the chastity belt...

    Vanessa Is it even harder for you than at the start?

    It was very hard in the beginning, but I had the idea that I will get used to it and it will get better but now I know this is not the case.

    Vanessa So you can talk with them,but it would be useless,right?

    As long as I am not in danger, most probably yes.

    Vanessa It seems it is very hard to manage a permanent wearing of thigh bands,maybe even harder than the chastity belt...

    Definitely a lot harder. When I only had the tightbands from dinner to 6am and not during the day, the difference was like day and night.


      I also thought in the beginning that I could accept the tighbands, but I can't.

      i would give a lot for wearing the tighbands only at night but that is unfortunately not possible 🙁

      i know that it is very hard and hope that you feel better with the tighbands than i do, but i fear you feel just as i badly

        Sara2001 It was very hard in the beginning, but I had the idea that I will get used to it and it will get better but now I know this is not the case.

        Very sorry for you(and your sister).🙁

        Sara2001 As long as I am not in danger, most probably yes.

        Too bad.I hope your husband would be more open to change his mind,if you have good arguments.

        Sara2001 Definitely a lot harder. When I only had the tightbands from dinner to 6am and not during the day, the difference was like day and night.

        Wearing it part time is a bit like I've to do when alone at home(except I may have to wear these mostly during the day,and you,during the night).But I imagine it is different when wearing these permanently,and especially when you have to go out with it on,almost every day...

        Angelina I also thought in the beginning that I could accept the tighbands, but I can't.

        Very sorry for you too!🙁

        Angelina i would give a lot for wearing the tighbands only at night but that is unfortunately not possible 🙁

        Maybe in the future...

        Angelina i know that it is very hard and hope that you feel better with the tighbands than i do, but i fear you feel just as i badly

        So,I guess it is always as bad as I feel it when I'm punished by wearing these permanently?I'm glad they don't want me to wear these permanently!

          Vanessa Too bad.I hope your husband would be more open to change his mind,if you have good arguments.

          Luckily my possible husband doesn't want to keep me in tightbands. Just the chastity belt.


            good that Daniel is a little nicer in this regulation than your father 😉


            it may be a little less bad than your punishments because you get used to the tighbands a bit, but still very bad 🙁


              I think more about discussing rules in general,not only thigh bands.

              Angelina good that Daniel is a little nicer in this regulation than your father 😉

              I agree,it would be good for her to get rid off thigh bands!

              Angelina it may be a little less bad than your punishments because you get used to the tighbands a bit, but still very bad 🙁

              Is it "easier" to manage wearing a chastity belt than thigh bands(when wearing both permanently)?

                I think I can not answer you properly. I wear it almost everyday, but far of 24 hours without exception.


                  But,even if not permanently,do you think you can manage it as well as the chastity belt,or it is easier to manage wearing a chastity belt,for you?

                  • Ines replied to this.

                    Even I like the feeling of security that bands ad, it is true that they are a bit restrictive.
                    However, I do not left of doing things for that, it is, if I need do something that is hard or impossible to do with bands, I can ask for release, it is a very most soft regime than rest of girls here.
                    So, really for me is not a real issue. A chain allow me doing almost everything, and even if when I get a bus they can pull me a bit, the rest of things is very bearable.
                    Wear it, reduce a bit our steps, anyway a polite girl does not run in the street and little steps are nicer, and wear it, forces too our voice of postures to seat, and this sucks.
                    But even sometimes sucks, and sometimes I feel them restrictive, I can not tell the crue stories of another girls here.


                      so i definitely find it more difficult to wear the tighbands 24/7 than to wear the belt 24/7. i think that's because 99% of the time the belt is psychological and mostly only disturbs in situations where i have sexual thoughts and then am frustrated by the belt, the tighbands work almost permanently even if i have a chain while they are much more restrictive than the belt 🙁


                        It seems it can bother you too,and you feel it very restrictive and don't like these sometimes,even if it is less strict.And even if you like the security feelings the thigh bands add.

                        Anyway,the possibility to be freed of this when you want to do activities prevented by/difficult to do with thigh bands on is very good and can make it easier to accept.Even if there is some situations more difficult(as sitting as you want,or running if late).


                        I can imagine it can be felt more often,in any mood or any time,when the belt is the worse when we have sexual needs and can't relieve ourself,or for some physical activities.So it is understandable it is harder to manage it,when wearing both permanently.

                        • Ines replied to this.

                          Vanessa Anyway,the possibility to be freed of this when you want to do activities prevented by/difficult to do with thigh bands

                          I think is the only way to manage a smooth relationship with the belt and key holder. Probably I could not manage some of your situations.

                            so this afternoon, i have the conversation with my father . maybe i have tonight again a chain between the tighbands 😉

                            but I am very nervous 🙁
                            wishes me luck

                            • Ines replied to this.

                              Have best of lucks! Remember all that we wrote here. I am glad we could convince you to take the step!

                              yes yes yes i made it 😉 i have again a chain between the tighbands . it is only a small victory but a very important one for me and my freedom.

                              i discussed my diary with my father this afternoon. he was very satisfied that the entries were not too frequent 😉 at the beginning he was very skeptical and asked if i would have kept the diary honestly. luckily he believed me and was very proud of me that despite my progressive relationship with camryn, i have my horniness under control 🙂

                              i wanted to take the chance, because he was in a good mood. i asked him if it was possible to get a chain between the tighbands at least during the day. afterwards i listed all arguments i had (normal walking, pain in the legs, also with chain safe enough etc.). in the beginning he was not convinced but we could negotiate a deal and it looks like this

                              between 6:30am and 6:30pm i am allowed to have a chain with a length of 5cm between the tighbands, but i do a lot more work in the house, my father said that if i want more freedom, i can also use this freedom for meaningful activities. in the evenings and at night i still have to wear a padlock, but no matter finally more freedom 🙂 furthermore i have to take care myself that you don't hear the chain, probably i will wrap the chain with rubber.

                              then came the decisive moment, my father removed the padlock and put in a chain. he adjusted the length to exactly 5cm . that was such an extremely beautiful feeling 😃 😃 😃 I am still limited but can still make much bigger steps and notice the tighbands at least no longer with every movement 😃

                              i am so happy, i called camryn immediately and told her about the positive news 😃

                                Viva!!! It is much much better!
                                You now have almost the same length than me! You will see as, from now your bands will not be such bad as you usually say!
                                With 5 cm you will be much better, and even more sure of yourself due you will can do a LOT of things that before you could not.
                                If you allow me and advice, to reduce noise use a chain with small links, so there is not empty inside the links. Wrap the chain in rubber or plastic is useful to make less sound, but become the chain in very rigid.
                                Small links in the chain and bit of jewelry, loose collar, bracelet, earrings...and and you has solved the sound problem!
                                I am very glad. 🙂
                                I expect new updates!


                                  thank you very much 😃

                                  I am currently a little bit experimenting with them, but up to now they have not been very strong, but they are still very strong.

                                  I have to get that unbedingt, so I can go to school tomorrow as well.

                                  Tomorrow, I will be getting a lot of jewelry (which is a good kind of thank you) and I hope that when there is a lot of talk, everyone will think that would be a bad thing 😉


                                  It is way harder in our situation,I think too.


                                  I'm happy you got this much needed freedom!Not perfect,but way better!

                                  Not good you have more tasks to do,but it is not illogical,and fits well in your system of compromise with your father.And it is not a high price for the increased freedom.

                                  I hope you'll manage easily to prevent the sound of the chain.

                                  Anyway,happy to read you get a chain instead of the lock!

                                    Angelina i am so happy, i called camryn immediately and told her about the positive news 😃

                                    I'm very happy for you. That's really good news. I hope the extra activities are not to much. Free time of your own is also very important.

                                    I have to work round about 1-2 hours a day in the household and 3-4 hours during weekends when I include time for cooking, so I know what I'm talking about.