Ines When you do not have positive feedback of the belt it should be horrible.
It is. The tightbands more then the cb.
Ines Maybe, even respecting your submissive role : could you talk with your parents?
Of course I can. But my father has a strong position about female sexuality. Not before marriage and better after marriage under strict male control. No exceptions. Ensuring this is a top priority.
Ines The feeling about belt is very bad from your part, and maybe for that you see it as something humiliating.
I don't think how someone could think in a different way . Even if I wear it out of my own choice I would feel extremely humiliated if someone will notice it.
At least in the society I live, nobody thinks that it is a normal think. The best I can expect is that they only think that I am a freak.
Angelina the most difficult thing is to wear the tighbands outside, you haven't had this experience yet, so you probably think a little differently
Definitely, especially longer distances. I also hate the feeling of not being able to take a bike for longer distances.
Angelina i had the tighbands new, it was the hardest experience of my life and i still feel very bad about it
I don't think it's getting much better