• PollFemale
  • just for fun and interest, should i wear a belt after after the wedding?

Tjc what a lot of people miss is that bdsm is a great journey of self discovery and self awareness. I find very beautiful to hear this from @Angelina

Angelina Given your experience with the belt and her apparent willingness, could keep you locked with daily releases after you’ve pleased her. Or something like that.
Not pushing, just an thought that came to mind

    The reason I voted no is because I thought you were pressured into wearing a belt in the first place. If it was me I would probably have some hard feelings associated with that experience and want to spend a long time out of the belt to let it all go.

      Sasha Not pushing, just an thought that came to mind

      no problem, i will β€˜analyse’ everything in detail after october πŸ˜‰

      Conrad If it was me I would probably have some hard feelings associated with that experience and want to spend a long time out of the belt to let it all go.

      well, i got married and didn't wear the belt for a year and led a normal sex life. now i want to give the whole issue a different angle and try to find a different (more positive) connotation to the belt

        Angelina no problem, i will β€˜analyse’ everything in detail after october πŸ˜‰

        Maybe create a new poll for it so we all can help you decide πŸ˜†

          Angelina It is great how you both find a new point of view of your belt.
          As a punishment you could also get corner time during which you have to think about a given topic. If the result is not sufficient you repeat the time.

            Padre Maybe create a new poll for it so we all can help you decide πŸ˜†

            i'd better leave it (i'm afraid of the result πŸ˜‚ )

            Joh As a punishment you could also get corner time during which you have to think about a given topic. If the result is not sufficient you repeat the time.

            is certainly an idea

            I'm halfway there, I admit it's not easy, especially because my wife gets a kick out of teasing me when we lie in bed together and I give her orgasms, but she should have her fun too. tonight it's that time again and I've prepared the gel packs, I'm curious to see if that works to ease my arousal a bit πŸ˜ƒ

              Angelina i'm afraid of the result πŸ˜‚

              Chicken πŸ”πŸ“

              After Loctober there is No Touch November 😁
              You are just getting used to the gear so it would be sad to quit. You both are having so much fun πŸ˜†

                Padre After Loctober there is No Touch November 😁

                When does October end? When does November begin?

                β€œWhen igzackly does the Old Year end?”

                β€œTonight”, said Mary Poppins shortly. β€œAt the first stroke of twelve.”

                β€œAnd when does it begin?” he went on.

                β€œWhen does what begin?” she snapped.

                β€œThe New Year”, answered Michael patiently.

                β€œOn the last stroke of twelve”, she replied, giving a short sharp sniff.

                β€œOh? Then what happens in between?” he demanded.

                Angelina prepared the gel packs, I'm curious to see if that works to ease my arousal a bit

                Let us know how did it work and was it in the end helpful.
                Nice to hear your wife like the new situation you are in. This is a different dynamic and it sounds it is funfor both of you.

                  Padre You are just getting used to the gear so it would be sad to quit. You both are having so much fun πŸ˜†

                  well, i have several years of experience, so it's not entirely new to me πŸ˜ƒ
                  only if i do a survey i will probably never get out of the belt again πŸ˜‚

                  Joh Let us know how did it work and was it in the end helpful.

                  first test and it failed, but that was probably due to my own naivety, i underestimated how cold the gel packs were, so i had to stop after about 5 minutes, my wife had to open the belt and the gel packs had to be removed before they could really work. I will try again with a lower temperature.

                  Short Update:
                  as you already know, i would be punished with writing lines and thighbands if i asked for a release. i have my mouth well under control and have been able to avoid this so far. in the last few days, however, i have tried to fight against the shield and the lock quite often. this is normal, of course, but it is of course not proper for "a good chaste girl".
                  so we decided that this will also be banned for the rest of the month. if i am caught fighting the belt or the lock, i will also have to write lines and wear thighbands.
                  this is much harder than just keeping quiet, I really have to be careful. Somehow I think I'll end up in the bands at least once this month πŸ˜†

                    Angelina only if i do a survey i will probably never get out of the belt again πŸ˜‚

                    Would that be a problem 🀣
                    Belts are there to be used πŸ˜†

                      Angelina i underestimated how cold the gel packs were

                      In first aid we learned that if someone had an injury and it had to be cooled, you would take ice with a cloth around it. Ice directly on the skin is too cold and it may freeze. That is why you first have to put a cloth around it. Maybe that is the case with your cold pack. You can try it.

                      Angelina I will try again with a lower temperature.

                      Even more cold than before? πŸ˜†

                        Angelina i underestimated how cold the gel packs were

                        I told already a gel pack can be much colder as ice. Maybe you try ice the next time.

                        I have the Same Feeling If you make a survey you will be much longer in your CB.

                          Angelina Somehow I think I'll end up in the bands at least once this month πŸ˜†

                          You should 🀣

                            Joh If you make a survey you will be much longer in your CB.

                            If that would be the outcome it means the majority thinks it would be a wise thing to do. πŸ˜†

                            • Joh replied to this.

                              Padre Would that be a problem 🀣

                              yes, because i'm already almost bursting with arousal πŸ˜‚

                              Padre Even more cold than before? πŸ˜†

                              no, that was a mistake i meant higher temperature of course πŸ˜‚

                              Padre You should 🀣

                              not yet, but the month can still be very long

                              i have now tested the gelpacs again, this time i made sure that the temperature was ok and used a thin cloth. At this point I have to say that it helped at least a little, I had it in for about half an hour and my arousal went down a little quicker.
                              it didn't quite have the effect @Jenna described, but at least from my point of view it helped a little, we should give her the point (despite the fake story)

                                Angelina yes, because i'm already almost bursting with arousal πŸ˜‚

                                You will enjoy it much longer when locked in your belt and bra. Probably your wife will like that too πŸ˜† 🀣
                                Less than two weeks No Touch November is coming. It may bring you new heights πŸ˜›

                                  Day 19, what do you think dear @Angelina, should we remove the "humour" tag and replace it with "NOvember"? As we all agree, we don't need to hold a vote on your November, but we could ask your wife to choose trick or treat for your Halloween?