• PollFemale
  • just for fun and interest, should i wear a belt after after the wedding?

Angelina i underestimated how cold the gel packs were

I told already a gel pack can be much colder as ice. Maybe you try ice the next time.

I have the Same Feeling If you make a survey you will be much longer in your CB.

    Angelina Somehow I think I'll end up in the bands at least once this month πŸ˜†

    You should 🀣

      Joh If you make a survey you will be much longer in your CB.

      If that would be the outcome it means the majority thinks it would be a wise thing to do. πŸ˜†

      • Joh replied to this.

        Padre Would that be a problem 🀣

        yes, because i'm already almost bursting with arousal πŸ˜‚

        Padre Even more cold than before? πŸ˜†

        no, that was a mistake i meant higher temperature of course πŸ˜‚

        Padre You should 🀣

        not yet, but the month can still be very long

        i have now tested the gelpacs again, this time i made sure that the temperature was ok and used a thin cloth. At this point I have to say that it helped at least a little, I had it in for about half an hour and my arousal went down a little quicker.
        it didn't quite have the effect @Jenna described, but at least from my point of view it helped a little, we should give her the point (despite the fake story)

          Angelina yes, because i'm already almost bursting with arousal πŸ˜‚

          You will enjoy it much longer when locked in your belt and bra. Probably your wife will like that too πŸ˜† 🀣
          Less than two weeks No Touch November is coming. It may bring you new heights πŸ˜›

            Day 19, what do you think dear @Angelina, should we remove the "humour" tag and replace it with "NOvember"? As we all agree, we don't need to hold a vote on your November, but we could ask your wife to choose trick or treat for your Halloween?

              Padre If that would be the outcome it means the majority thinks it would be a wise thing to do

              I don't belief it would be wise. I think most of them would vote for it because they would not wear it and would not know what it means. They would vote for it because Angelina asked for it.

              @Milady2 point of view here:

              @Angelina , you should stop wearing as planned and avoid continuing. Get out, talk about this experience with your wife, understand not only what you want but what she wants too. Then, if needed, you can start not as an occasional thing but as lifestyle. before that you need to understand clearly what will bring to you being belted,even in terms of expectations. Maybe it's not what your wife wants, and she should have her own opinion. Definitely I don't think it's a good idea to continue.

              End of Milady opinion

              @Milady2 "#p121468 Get out, talk about this experience

              I agree wholeheartedly, and I'm sure that's exactly what @Angelina will do. The teasing is just for entertainment.

              Padre Less than two weeks No Touch November is coming. It may bring you new heights πŸ˜›

              sorry, but at least for november i have ruled out any further use of the belt and bra πŸ˜‰

              Damien Day 19, what do you think dear @Angelina, should we remove the "humour" tag and replace it with "NOvember"?

              NO! πŸ˜‚

              first of all for information, there will be no voting, everything that happens after locktober my wife and i will discuss privately. you will know the results if there are any, but first i want a normal sex life again πŸ™‚
              yesterday, unfortunately, i fought a little too hard against the belt. i kind of felt like it (maybe i wanted to provoke something) and of course my wife noticed, so i had to spend a few hours writing lines last night. i also wore the bands again for the first time. just as restrictive as before and i don't want them as standard, but the evening also showed me that my wife can enforce rules if they have been agreed beforehand

                Angelina I am with you that you should not follow some pushing from the forum. It is your ligΒ΄fe and both of you will talk about how it was and what you will do in the future. I hope you can take something from this month in terms of wearing the belt and how it has affected your relationship. Perhaps new aspects will emerge.


                  I can at least tell you that it feels completely different to wear the belt now than it did before when my father had the keys and I'm wondering if I'm really going crazy? Could it really be that I like it?

                    Angelina I'd guess the fact that this time you are doing it by choice probably plays a significant role.

                    Angelina Could it really be that I like it?

                    Your father used it for his own purposes, and it was not in line with your interests and needs. Now it was a shared experience between the two of you and has resulted in a different perspective. So it may well be that it can be an enrichment for your lives. After all, the CB is only a tool.

                    Angelina but the evening also showed me that my wife can enforce rules if they have been agreed beforehand

                    If you're new to this sort of dynamic, it can be helpful to let her know afterwards that you enjoyed it and that she did the right thing.

                      Angelina Could it really be that I like it?

                      Honestly, the impression I had of you was always that you liked the belt itself a lot more than the conditions under which you wore it

                        Angelina i also wore the bands again for the first time.

                        Locktober would not be complete without those bands. Now you scored the whole menu. 😁

                        Angelina Could it really be that I like it?

                        I think what you like is that your wife is holding the keys now. And I think you may also be considering ways that the belt can enhance your relationship.
                        Something along the lines of you won’t get out unless she’s satisfied beforehand or something like that

                        Angelina Could it really be that I like it?

                        It could be that you like the close connection and inter-dependency with someone you love (not that you didn't love your father), who wants to support your interest and your mutual exploration.