Angelina I have one request to you. if you want to tell me something, then please mark me directly and do not talk indirectly with others, I find that a little unfriendly because I prefer to discuss directly
Oh, sorry, that was not my intention. I often just quote the last comment to the thread, because I know you and others will read it anyway.
I think you may don't see that your father raises you in a way that you have submit to him in a drastic way. Especially that you have to work for several hours a day to get a longer chain between your tightbands shows this very clear. If he would see security issues, why offers he a longer chain in exchange to additional work? This has nothing to do with becoming responsible. But I see that we have different opinions about this point, so it most probably doesn't make sense to change the same arguments again and again.
Vanessa Do your boyfriend think the same,or will he take more care to make it easier for you?
He is definitely more open about making some things easier but definitely not as easy as possible, but I would never expect this.
Vanessa I can understand it.I think too the feelings can be very different when doing it after marriage instead of because of parents' decison.
Forcing me against my will, will definitely lead to a "no" during wedding
Vanessa Even your boyfriend wouldn't accept you to drive?It is very old-fashioned and restrictive...I hope there isn't too many rules like this one...
Yes, he doesn't want me to make a drivers license or to leave the house without his knowledge. I will have very similar conditions like my mother has now. No leaving without permission, no spending money without permission, not ordering by myself in a restaurant, things like that. I can accept this because I know he takes good care of me and is making sure that I get what I need to be happy. I think he will almost never deny the permission.