Sara2001 He is definitely more open about making some things easier but definitely not as easy as possible, but I would never expect this.
I hope he would accept way more things,however,even if it seems he'll be pretty strict about it,too...
Sara2001 Forcing me against my will, will definitely lead to a "no" during wedding
It's wise.
Sara2001 Yes, he doesn't want me to make a drivers license or to leave the house without his knowledge. I will have very similar conditions like my mother has now. No leaving without permission, no spending money without permission, not ordering by myself in a restaurant, things like that. I can accept this because I know he takes good care of me and is making sure that I get what I need to be happy. I think he will almost never deny the permission.
I think it is very limiting...A bit too much in the modern world,even in a man led relationship,in my opinion.
About not denying the permission,it reminds me something I had to do when younger.When I ate,with my parents,with family or family's friends,my parents often told me,if I wanted to leave the table,I must ask them and they would almost always allow me.It was not very useful,so,but it was more polite and well mannered.They always kept their promise,but,if I left the table without asking,I was severely spanked and grounded a few days as soon as we came home,so I mainly accepted it(same rule,and punishment,for my twin).If I understood it and accepted it at this time,I think the fact your boyfriend use the same way,for different parts of your life,a bit unusual.As if he should not consider you as mature enough to take such decision.
About the restaurant,would he "only" order it for you,or would he decide what you would have to eat?
Angelina these are very hard conditions, i don't think i would accept it but it is your relationship and you must be happy with it
I agree.Even if I had troubles to understand it.
Angelina it could also be an advantage for daniel if you get a driver's license. for example he could drink alcohol when you go out together
Right point!