
I can understand that even a little bit, I think that a romantic relationship cannot be replaced by occasional sex 😉

    Christine True. But he must take me from mom's home.

    If he loves you,and feel sorry for your situation,he may do it quickly.


    If at least one of them have a long term job,sure.


    To make it works well,I think there should be both.

      Vanessa To make it works well,I think there should be both.

      but one does not include the other 🙁


        one question: why do you always look at things so negatively? 🤣


          that's the problem, I have tried to be permanently realistic, but then I am very negative (automatically) 😉


            I have to, especially when it comes to the topic of sex (otherwise I would be very sad) 🙂 🙁

              Angelina You are supposed to be positive and enthusiastic due your age.

              Renita You do? I only know guys with debts 😃

              Well if you look a little harder there are guys with not just $ but their own virtues and values

                Christine They are all taken.

                No, they aren't. Sure, I have money - the question I'd ask is why should I take you?

                Not trying to be mean, but that's the core of any relationship - why should it be you? Not any other girl or guy?



                  But not easy to find positive things about being prevented to do it...


                  I don't think so.Nowadays,it is not always the main search in a relationship...


                  Love is not a logical choice.We don't choose someone with who we may spend our life with as we choose a new car...


                  It is pretty pessimistic...

                  With this logic,all relationships are based on a choice "by default"...

                    Vanessa With this logic,all relationships are based on a choice "by default"...

                    That's kind of market in my opinion. You have bids, asks and matches