You could marry me, get the belt removed, then magically "disappear from the radar"πŸ˜›

Raziel Although, if you want to marry a woman, you could offer yourself and get to know her better.

Thank you for advice, but I'm straight πŸ˜ƒ

Vanessa Sure,it should not be taken into account,at the start of a relationship,And,even later,it should not be a major issue which could damage the relationship.

it should at least not lead to a separation or divorce, unfortunately I have heard that several times πŸ™

    James the question I'd ask is why should I take you?

    Coz I'm not worse than others.

    Raziel The real question is if you'd change continents to be free from chastity?

    I don't need to go so far. A next door is enough.

      Vanessa You should tell you're better than others,it's more positive and attractive!πŸ˜‰

      that's true, but at least she is very honest with herself even if I feel that a little bit more self-esteem should be nice πŸ˜‰

        Christine Ofc. But @James would disagree.

        I wouldn't disagree. I would ask the obvious next questions? How? Why? ...and prove it.

          Angelina I feel that a little bit more self-esteem should be nice πŸ˜‰

          I agree.


          If a potential boyfriend/girlfriend would ask me why I'm better than other women,and to prove it,I would think he/she's not worth dating,and don't waste my time with him/her.

          Angelina it's about how you see yourself, that's much more important πŸ™‚

          I agree with it too.

            Vanessa If a potential boyfriend/girlfriend would ask me why I'm better than other women,and to prove it,I would think he/she's not worth dating,and don't waste my time with him/her.

            that's exactly how i would react. i think it's very selfish when someone gets me in trouble like this, either someone loves me or he/she doesn't. i am myself and don't have to prove anything to anyone πŸ™‚


              I agree with you;if someone wants you to "sell yourself" by telling your qualities,why he/she should choose you(a bit like as in a meeting with a potential employer),in a relationship,it is not ok,and won't lead to anything good.

              Same if your partner ask you to change who you are to please him/her more.

                Vanessa I agree with you;if someone wants you to "sell yourself" by telling your qualities,why he/she should choose you(a bit like as in a meeting with a potential employer),in a relationship,it is not ok,and won't lead to anything good.

                Okay, you took that waaaaay too literally. I’d never ask a girl that. I just mean that if you’re in a potential relationship with options, don’t you weigh which the better one is? If you have two pretty girls - one has manners, and one doesn’t, I’d just smile and choose the mannered one.



                  exactly, i agree with you 100%, this is a big problem in job interviews, but in a relationship it's a no go


                  the girl with the good manners would be me πŸ˜‚

                  but seriously, I would question the oppersite

                  why the girl should choose you as her husband πŸ˜‰

                    Angelina why the girl should choose you as her husband

                    Lol true. My point is both people ask these questions.


                      of course both ask this question, but this should not always be said openly, especially at the beginning of a relationship

                        James If you have two pretty girls - one has manners, and one doesn’t, I’d just smile and choose the mannered one.

                        Somebody would choose one with bigger boobs πŸ˜‚


                          No;I follow my feelings for my partner.It is unlikely I love both the same.

                          Angelina this should not always be said openly, especially at the beginning of a relationship

                          Sure.Or it would make it fail very quickly,I think.




                          But I think it can be pretty clear before we go too far in the relationship.