Foxies However, my partner does read this forum and if anyone wants to know what her opinions and motivations are in our relationship, she is willing to answer questions.
I do have a few questions for you both, if I may. First up: Hi! I'm Prudence , trans woman who has been posting about a year ๐. I haven't posted much in recent months but I feel a certain kinship with you in that we are both women of a certain age who choose to remain locked by our wives. I'm not quite up there with you, as i'm pushing 50 soon, but I suspect we have certain similarities in generation. You're also a little bit of an inspiration, as I expect to spend the rest of my life in my belt and it's good to know that it still can be done later in life.
I'm curious to learn more about how you first applied the belt to your relationship. You mention you learned about it from one of her books, which tells me that in some way, your wife knew a little bit about belts going into this. So this question is for your wife: Did you have a pre-existing interest, and how did you come around to Foxies' way of thinking?
Also for your spouse, because I think this is useful for my own marriage as well to understand better: Is it hard to take up that responsibility if you're not already naturally the kind of person to do it? Plenty of dominant people would happily belt their wife, but you sound like this is not really specifically your thing. And it can definitely get complicated when your spouse isn't always happy with their locked state. (None of us are 100 percent happy with the belt all the time -- if we were, it wouldn't have to be locked!) How do you mentally manage the challenges?
Does the belt impact other avenues of your relationship? My marriage is spousal-led and the belt represents among other things my acceptance of my wife's authority over me, but I recognize that this is not the same for all.
And lastly, both for you and your spouse: is your belting something you give to your spouse and your spouse alone, or are you committed to the belt either way? Do you have any intention or plans for remaining locked in the event something happens to her?
Thanks ๐.