Locking up a brain
HHelen My parents could have told you that locking up a brain long before a waist is the most effective way to prevent such ideas. It's why I have no choice but to allow myself to be belted even now -- when I'm free of the belt, my mind is not free.
Saintprudence My parents could have told you that locking up a brain long before a waist
this is exactly what my father means when he says that he would have waited too long with me. he firmly believes that it would be easier for me now if I had never started with sexual activities
It doesn't matter.Even if convinced her belt is secure,she would still think she would like to be intimate with her boyfriend.
Angelina he firmly believes that it would be easier for me now if I had never started with sexual activities
And I think he's right about it;not knowing the feelings would make easier to be prevented to feel these.
Sure!And the wedding night would be even more special,even with pain.
HHelen She shouldn't. That's the goal.
I don't think you can reach this goal.
Right.It would make her even more frustrated.
Right too.It is logical she had sexual thoughts when she's with her boyfriend(and chastity tends to increase it).