Mine broke in Oct. It was a production made belt so parts were easy to get but took a month or two to arrive. This lead up to us buying a more bestowed belt from a craftsman.

May I ask how it broke?

(Could be useful information in case I ever need to know how to break out of mine 🀣 )

    Foxies lol. No i did not try to escape. One of the locking holes cracked. The waist is thin metal and just fatigued from use.

    Foxies My experience is that the liner wears out and needs to be replaced. Something that is difficult to do yourself, if you do not know how silicone is glued to stainless steel. Therefor the belt must be back to the manufacturer and then good to have one belt in reserve, but of course it will also be very expensive to buy two. πŸ€‘
    The lock on MySteel, I have seen it can break. Like that parts "disappear" when belt not in use and then become unusable.

      @Angelina Nov 27, 2019 "without a secondary shield it is more of an abstinence belt than a chastity belt"

      Then you change your explanation what make a chastity belt to be an abstinence belt?

        Laura But we all see on the picture is it a Tollybot second shield connection.

          Tobbe It's definitely Tollyboy, but we even don't know what model it is. And I didn't have this trouble πŸ˜‚


          Personally,I only have one,but it seems many people here have at least two chastity belts.

          But my chastity belt has never break!πŸ™

          Tobbe The lock on MySteel, I have seen it can break.

          Interesting...Can you develop?πŸ˜‰

            Vanessa I do not know if it was a user error during locking or an error on that particular lock. But the locking bar came loose from the padlock body!
            The original My-Steel lock is a modified Burg WΓ€chter model 222 C-line 15.
            Only file off a bit at the top like the original lock that came with the chastity belt and you have a new functioning padlock to the belt.


              In my case,I would be more interested to how to break it "accidentally",for obvious reason!πŸ˜‰

                Vanessa I was fully aware that it was your wish, but you should not have so much fun.
                Even though it's Christmas soon. 😁

                  Vanessa I would be more interested to how to break it "accidentally"

                  As everybody else. I wish to have @Renita 's picture in reality πŸ˜‚

                  Foxies Mary has a spare belt in case of breakage?

                  She wears one while she cleans the other

                    Vanessa Personally, I only have one, but it seems many people here have at least two chastity belts.

                    My partner reminded me we actually do have two. I had forgotten.

                    My first belt was a cheap Chinese adjustable one. My partner insisted I buy a cheap one first to see if I was serious about it. It was only after she finally accepted the keys on a 24/7 basis that we then ordered the made to measure Neosteel one I wear now.

                    The original Chinese one now hangs suspended from a tree in the back garden, holding a plant pot. As far as I know, the plant in the plant pot is still chaste 🀣