Laura But we all see on the picture is it a Tollybot second shield connection.

    Tobbe It's definitely Tollyboy, but we even don't know what model it is. And I didn't have this trouble ๐Ÿ˜‚


    Personally,I only have one,but it seems many people here have at least two chastity belts.

    But my chastity belt has never break!๐Ÿ™

    Tobbe The lock on MySteel, I have seen it can break.

    Interesting...Can you develop?๐Ÿ˜‰

      Vanessa I do not know if it was a user error during locking or an error on that particular lock. But the locking bar came loose from the padlock body!
      The original My-Steel lock is a modified Burg Wรคchter model 222 C-line 15.
      Only file off a bit at the top like the original lock that came with the chastity belt and you have a new functioning padlock to the belt.


        In my case,I would be more interested to how to break it "accidentally",for obvious reason!๐Ÿ˜‰

          Vanessa I was fully aware that it was your wish, but you should not have so much fun.
          Even though it's Christmas soon. ๐Ÿ˜

            Vanessa I would be more interested to how to break it "accidentally"

            As everybody else. I wish to have @Renita 's picture in reality ๐Ÿ˜‚

            Foxies Mary has a spare belt in case of breakage?

            She wears one while she cleans the other

              Vanessa Personally, I only have one, but it seems many people here have at least two chastity belts.

              My partner reminded me we actually do have two. I had forgotten.

              My first belt was a cheap Chinese adjustable one. My partner insisted I buy a cheap one first to see if I was serious about it. It was only after she finally accepted the keys on a 24/7 basis that we then ordered the made to measure Neosteel one I wear now.

              The original Chinese one now hangs suspended from a tree in the back garden, holding a plant pot. As far as I know, the plant in the plant pot is still chaste ๐Ÿคฃ

                Foxies My first belt was a cheap Chinese adjustable one. My partner insisted I buy a cheap one first to see if I was serious about it. It was only after she finally accepted the keys on a 24/7 basis that we then ordered the made to measure Neosteel one I wear now.

                I think you never told, or I missed it. Can you tell us how often you are allowed to have sexual releases? Are you normally allowed to orgasm from time to time?

                  Foxies that is where we are at in life. We just purchased a bestowed belt to replace this China production one. It breaking was its last straw. ๐Ÿคฃ

                  Sara2001 Can you tell us how often you are allowed to have sexual releases?

                  Answering your question makes me feel like a bit of a fraud on this forum. You see that in a very real sense, though I wear a chastity belt, I am not chaste in the way that most other wearers are on this forum. (Sorry โ€“ I hope admin doesnโ€™t ban me)

                  Unlike many of the girls here, I have a partner of many years and we have always been sexually active. We are not married in any legal sense though we both feel โ€œmarriedโ€ in a sense that is likely stronger than many real marriages. Essentially my partner is THE most important part of my life and she feels pretty much the same about me. With this background you may understand that we engage in sex play several times a week. And it is fairly equal and mutual. The only difference between us and a more typical married couple, is that my belt puts nearly all the decisions of our sex play, in her hands.

                  We shower together every night (and have pretty much ever since we got together). During this time, I am unlocked, cleaned, shaved as necessary, rinsed and dried and mostly locked back up afterwards. I am not allowed to touch myself in any meaningful way when I am unlocked. Sometimes however, at her discretion the belt stays off and we go to the bedroom where we enjoy ourselves. Once finished the belt goes back on and my thigh bands are padlocked together before I go to sleep.

                  A few times a month, my partner decides she wants extra โ€œserviceโ€ ๐Ÿ˜… lol, and during an afternoon, my belt is unlocked and she takes what she wants. In fairness, I am satisfied too. Sometimes, the belt itself frustrates me and I may start banging on the plate. If she sees this (I actually do this subconsciously at times ๐Ÿ˜… ) she will often just smile, but occasionally she may get sympathetic and release me for a short period. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Smiles. Naturally she can decide to partake or not (I donโ€™t want to get too graphic here ๐Ÿ˜… lol).

                  I suppose, many here will thus consider my belt and thigh bands just a sex toy. However, in my own mind, it really isnโ€™t. As far as we are concerned (and truly thatโ€™s all that matters to us), the belt means my sex is purely in the hands of my partner. It was my gift to her. She alone controls it; even though admittedly I can ask for release without fear of punishment. In which case she may permit it or deny. If she denies me then I really do accept it. However, it is fair to say that my happiness is as important to her, as hers is to mine, so though she may tease me, she really doesnโ€™t let me suffer.

                  Hope this explains where the chastity belt (and now thigh bands) play their role in our lives.

                  One other thing I would like to mention. Early in our relationship my partner literally saved my life and career. However to do that, for a period of several years, I lived with her under much stricter conditions than say Angelina or Vanessa do with their families. It is true those conditions didn't actually include a physical chastity belt, however I literally had all most no choices in what I was allowed to do or behave, including chastity. It was either accept the conditions or be cast out. For this reason, I have great sympathy for you girls who have little choice to to be controlled an an important aspect of your lives. I can almost say, been there, done that.

                  Sorry this was another God awfully long post.

                    Tobbe Then you change your explanation what make a chastity belt to be an abstinence belt?

                    a chastity belt that you don't always wear , so to be clear, so that mastubation is permitted , no matter how exactly

                    Vanessa But my chastity belt has never break!๐Ÿ™

                    if this happened (by accident), what would your parents do?

                    Order a new one, of course, but what happens in the meantime?

                      Laura I wish to have @Renita 's picture in reality

                      Maybe you weren't persistent enough in trying to rip off the shield ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

                      Foxies Thank you for the very long and detailed explanation. It sounds very nice for me. I think in my future my orgasms will stay a very rare thing. I hope this will make them more like big things for me.

                        Foxies A few times a month, my partner decides she wants extra โ€œserviceโ€ ๐Ÿ˜… lol, and during an afternoon, my belt is unlocked and she takes what she wants. In fairness, I am satisfied too. Sometimes, the belt itself frustrates me and I may start banging on the plate. If she sees this (I actually do this subconsciously at times ๐Ÿ˜… ) she will often just smile, but occasionally she may get sympathetic and release me for a short period. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Smiles. Naturally she can decide to partake or not (I donโ€™t want to get too graphic here ๐Ÿ˜… lol).

                        It is the logical way of use in a couple. I wish to be a protected wife, but to be a satisfied wife too ๐Ÿ˜…. Chastity belt is not a torture tool.

                        Foxies the belt means my sex is purely in the hands of my partner. It was my gift to her. She alone controls it; even though admittedly I can ask for release without fear of punishment. In which case she may permit it or deny. If she denies me then I really do accept it.

                        This is my approach too. And I guess, that if she refuses release you, our partners will have to face fiery lioness in the next release.... It can be our revenge ๐Ÿ˜‚

                        Foxies However, it is fair to say that my happiness is as important to her, as hers is to mine, so though she may tease me, she really doesnโ€™t let me suffer.

                        Correct, I want a firm and attentive keyholder, not a beast. No, I like feel me protected, not abused.