Vanessa Of course,but it does not avoid thinking on a way to cheat on it,I think.
But I can understand you feel and react differently.
I think you're correct, we all consider the security of the belt on an ongoing basis (shaking the lock becomes a quick way of satisfying this desire). However, once the belt is considered secure it starts to do it's job which, for me at least, is to reframe the question from a more wilful "Why should I stop masturbating?!" to "Why should I start masturbating?".
Eg: Under the influence of nicotine it is harder to stop than to start smoking. When out from said influence, it's easier to stop than to start. The same, I think, goes for lust.
A chastity belt is just there for the times when lust is going to influence your decision making process too much.
I also fully understand that you feel differently! π
Vanessa I don't think it is the majority of the cases.
Agree it's not yet a majority problem, however the NOFAP movement is a reaction to this phenomena and is, as far as I can tell, a growing movement.