Daphne's dilemma
Daphne In that case, you should be patient. Which is of course already a crucial virtue for the chaste. You hope to be belted for the rest of your life. A laudable goal, but that means it is worth taking the time to find a proper keyholder, even if it takes months or longer.
In the meantime, keysafes or numbered plastic locks are your friend. Numbered locks are a great way to use outside accountability buddies without surrendering control to them — for instance, you could send photos of the lock on occasion to verify that you haven’t taken it off. On cleaning days, send a pic just before you remove it and another a short time later to show you locked it right back on without any hanky-panky.
I already have both of those in fact
Well in answer to your post, I think your wish to enter chastity my means of a mechanical device is reasonable. I would hesitate to advise you to somehow make it permanent (though I am not sure you could do that anyway). But through my own life experience I know that changing one's mind and attitudes is a fairly common event. And while "permanence" might be a worthy goal, my advice would be to keep that as a sort of distant Everest to climb and in the meantime take each day as it comes and enjoy it to the full.
The question of finding a trusted (and hopefully loving) keyholder would seem to me an obvious first step though possibly some sort of time safe option might be viable. I am not really qualified to understand all the in's and outs of using time safes, though perhaps @Tobbe could help?
Foxies people around here have long tended to be a little fluid with the term “permanent,” probably because of the multiple languages spoken and not everyone being fully aware of how specifically loaded a term it is in the fetish boards. But yes, it seems to have settled here into meaning “24/7, no releases, taken off for cleaning and emergencies only.”
Daphne Again i don't know anyone near me that would hold the keys
i'm sorry for you, but i wouldn't give the keys to a stranger. there are boxes where you can keep the keys and set a time when the box should open again, maybe that would be an idea, at least until you have found a suitable key holder.
it seems we have similar ideas
Saintprudence “24/7, no releases, taken off for cleaning and emergencies only.”
this is how I understand it
Daphne do you have an upper limit to how long you remain belted in a relationship, or do you hope for it to be indefinite?
The latter, but if there has to be a limit i can live with it
Daphne since this is specifically your thread, I feel more okay asking broader questions. What’s your everyday routine like? I don’t mean location or identifying info, but rather, classes, job, living arrangements and so forth.
Well usually I wake up at 8,do my morning routine and work on school until 4-5. Have dinner, do dishes and afterwards i can spend time on hobbies
Daphne what’s your living situation? Parents or on your own or roommates?
Daphne When i have more dresses for it
Yes,your clothes should be adapted to hide it.If necessary,you may wait until you get more adapted ones,or go do some shopping!
I agree.
I agree about it too.
Saintprudence it is worth taking the time to find a proper keyholder, even if it takes months or longer.
Saintprudence “24/7, no releases, taken off for cleaning and emergencies only.”