2 months later

@Nate May I ask you some further questions?

  1. How did your parents persuade you into wearing a chastity cage?
  2. What was the most embarrassing moment connected to your chastity device?
  3. How often do you release your brother?
  4. Which device does he wear?

Thank you a lot in advance

    markules - Sure 😉.

    1. They came with a cage and explained that I was masturbating way too much, despite we already talked about it several times. Also, if I was caught doing it somewhere like school, they could kick me out for this etc. I knew they were right about it, so I agreed. Of course, I questioned my decision for a long time 😃.

    2. It was on a first floorball practice after I got caged. Since I was going there right after school, I forgot to tell my parents in the morning. I realized this when I was standing before the hall and I obviously couldn't skip the practice, so I thought nobody sees through my underwear and I will shower at home. Well, guess what - my teammate yanked my underwear down (prank). Luckily, I discovered that way one of my other teammates (Robin) was locked too, and I never had to hide my cage there again 😂.

    3. I release him in the middle of the month and my parents at the end when we're home. That does not necessarily mean he gets an orgasm though.

    4. He wears HolyTrainer v3 Nano; it was my first cage before I upgraded to Small. However, we're considering the new HolyTrainer v4, maybe in the metal version.

      Nate Thank you for answering my questions in such detail. That is exactly the kind of information I need before I start my own chastity journey.

      1. How did your parents find out that you were masturbating?
      2. Does that mean that your whole floorball team knows about your chastity device? How do you feel about that? How did your floorball colleagues react?
      3. What benefits to you perceive from being in chastity?
      4. Why would you upgrade to metal? Is plastic not secure enough?

      Thank you very much (again)


        1. They caught me several times. Also, since I shared a room with my brother, they probably asked him too.
        2. Yeah, they do. It was very embarrasing, but once they seen it, you can't make them unsee. They of course wanted to see and asked me what it is. They would learn, eventually, so I just told them. The only question I dodged was why I was wearing it.
        3. It's mainly that I have more time for other activities (studying, workout ...) and I don't have to worry about being caught anymore. Also, I think being horny while doing sports can lead to better results.
        4. That's because HolyTrainers aren't exactly plastic. When you heat it (like in a hot bath), you can change its shape to some extent. That way, it adapts to your penis and testicles, but I pesonally hate that.

          Nate That's because HolyTrainers aren't exactly plastic. When you heat it (like in a hot bath), you can change its shape to some extent. That way, it adapts to your penis and testicles, but I pesonally hate that.

          That's a question of personal preference, of course Personally, I love their shape.

            Max9 I only have the knock offs of Holy Trainer V4 nub and small. In my opinion the shape is quite comfortable, but it's very easy to pull out

            • Nate replied to this.


              True. I also liked the original shape. But not the elasticity though.


              That may be true, but it's the best cage given comfort with this length.
              Or at least, I didn't find a better one.

              Nate Hello Nate, I'd have a bunch of further questions if I may:

              1. When you were first locked in your chastity cage, how long did it take you to adjust to the cage?
              2. Do you think being released once a month is enough? Why once a month and not less/more regular?
              3. Why do you not release your brother more often?
              4. Was there a moment when you were glad you were in chastity?
              5. Would you recommend that I gave my keys to my parents?

                Nate It was on a first floorball practice

                I'd die of embarrassment in such a situation, but yeah, the idea of never having to hide my belt is very appealing. I wish chastity was more mainstream just so going to the doctor, or though scanners etc just wouldn't be a big deal.

                Nate They caught me several times

                Again, this must have been really embarrassing, but in the end, if I'd got a chastity device out of it, I'd have been happy.

                Knowing what I know about myself now, I wish I'd had a belt much earlier.

                • Nate replied to this.

                  markules Sure 😉

                  1. I was first locked when I was 15. Don't remember the exact date though.
                    My parents took a guess about sizing the first time and unsurprisingly it was too big. We ordered a smaller one the next day. I've eventually grown back to the bigger one, which still I wear today.

                  2. I don't know why it became about once a month in the first place. My parents said that, and I accepted since I wasn't released at all the first few months. Now that my bf has the keys and I know about "milking", it has become about once per two months.

                  3. My parents gave me Jake's key for hygiene reasons because we live far away and only go home once a month. I was told it's for cleaning and that I can give him one more release each month (but I don't really do that), so he gets his release once a month at home.

                  4. It wasn't a single moment, but it's rather continual. I'm glad that I ended up being locked. I stopped focusing on masturbation and being horny made the sports better.

                  5. I don't know your parents and your relationship with them, so it's hard to say. If they are okay with these things, then sure, why not? Regardless, I would definitely recommend you to give the keys to someone, whether it's a trusted friend or parents.

                  Also, Jake and I finally ordered the HolyTrainers v4 (same sizes), and we decided to try the metal version.


                  Yeah, I absolutely died of embarrassment (but luckily got resurrected 🤣). It might seem weird to say, but I'm actually glad it happened. The other guys were cool with it (although they did sometimes tease me), and I didn't have to hide the cage and shower at home. Second, by not asking my parents to unlock me, I got used to sporting in the cage, which is not only great, but it also doesn't give me the opportunity to cheat.

                  Of course, being caught masturbating was a bit embarrassing, but I didn't think of it as a big deal ... until I got locked. Well, I still got mixed feelings about the cage (guess nobody loves the cage completely), but they are mostly positive; I also wish my parents locked me a year or two earlier.

                    Nate Hey Nate, thank you so much for your reply in such detail.
                    You wrote that there is another boy in your team who is locked. What do you know about him?

                    1. How did your boyfriend react when he learned that you were locked in chastity?
                    2. How did your parents catch you when you tried to pull out of the cage?
                    3. How often do you milk your prostate?
                    • Nate replied to this.


                      Yeah, his name is Robin. He was locked when he was 13, but for excessive masturbation too. We never asked each other for specific details of why we were locked. At first, he was wearing HolyTrainer too, but his parents then switched him to metal CB6000s and unlike me, he was released way less often.

                      1. At first, he was surprised that someone actually wears it; he asked me a lot about the cage and being locked. After a while, we managed to convince my parents to give him my keys. Now, it's normal for us that I'm locked and he makes me orgasm just once in a while.

                      2. They caught me right while I was doing it (2-3x), and once they asked Jake. I only managed to pull out once, and it wasn't an easy thing to do. That said, it's near-impossible to put it back in. I always got spanked and I spent the first months (about 5 or 6) with no release at all because of it.

                      3. Once or twice a week. It helps me to get rid of full balls while giving no satisfaction and keeping me horny.


                        1. When did you start masturbating?
                        2. Why did you say you wish you were locked earlier?
                        3. What is your sexual orientation, if I may ask?
                        4. Do you sometimes watch porn?
                        5. What do you do when you're so horny that you think you can't take it anymore?
                        • Nate replied to this.


                          1. I tried it a few times when I was 11 ... and I started doing it regularly about a year after.

                          2. Getting locked a year or two earlier would have been great since I wasn't masturbating that much back then.

                          3. I'm bi, more on the gay side.

                          4. Well, I try not to, because the cage suddenly becomes smaller 😂.

                          5. Either I try to do some work (if I can actually concentrate), or workout until I'm completely exhausted. By that time, I may be horny as hell, but I don't feel that. If I can't do any of these, then I can try at least milking or humping a pillow ... though it doesn't really work.


                            1. What amount of masturbation would be ok with your parents?
                            2. Where you ever caught masturbating in school?
                            3. Have your parents ever made an exception or a "gift" of cage free time?
                            • Nate replied to this.


                              1. That's a thing I don't really know. That always said that masturbation is normal, as long as it's not too much.

                              2. No. Good that I was locked before I could start doing it there and somebody caught me.

                              3. Not a single time; releases were never a reward. Either they let me out just for cleaning or for a regular release. After that, I always went straight back to the cage, without exceptions. However, they did punish me by cancelling a planned release.


                                1. Do you use lubricant to put on the cage?
                                2. How does it feel to be locked for half a year?
                                3. Do you drip a lot (leak precum)?
                                4. Which tips would you give a chastity beginner?

                                Again, thank you very much for giving me so much information!!!::

                                  Nate I'm glad that I ended up being locked. I stopped focusing on masturbation and being horny made the sports better.

                                  I think this is very true.

                                  Orgasm is such a huge payoff but masturbation short-circuits the whole reward system.

                                  We seem to be meant to work on ourselves, get out there, attract and hold on to a partner. All of this requires effort but also gives us life.

                                  Self-pleasuring requires none of this, so leads to a much smaller existence.

                                  • Nate replied to this.