Jonas Eeek! Do you think over-population or farming insufficiency could ever lead to a literal governmental clamp down on sexual activity?
Honestly, while I do not want to derail this topic any more than I already have, it would be a refreshing change for western governments to discourage breeding for once.
Angelina well, we got used to having to endure certain restrictions during corona. i don't really see the difference.
"Having to endure" seems like a strong word for masks. I find it quite reasonable to wear them, in fact I have taken to wearing them more often than legally required, sometimes to the ridicule of otherwise reasonable people (who do wear their masks where required). I mean, I am already required to wear pants for the sake of my fellow citizens, what more is one tiny piece of fabric?
On the other hand, with some other restrictions, I very much begrudgingly obeyed them knowing that there was a specific and important cause and it would be for a limited time if society behaves reasonably. The latter portion has sadly become a very big "if", but I am glad that "not leaving the house unless absolutely necessary" and "only meet with one person who is not from your household" had quickly served their purpose.
I could see a justification for requiring chastity belts in public spaces (though not their continued wear once in the privacy of your home), mainly as a prevention for sexual misconduct, but considering how impractical chastity belts are that emergency removal is something that should always be on a belt user's mind, I do not see that becoming the norm any time soon.