Been gone a while
I agree.
Funguy she has good intentions with it.
I think it is the case for most of us who have to wear the belt due to parent's decision.
They're generally pretty sure they're right and make us wear one for our good...
Funguy heโs coming over on Friday for dinner so weโll see how that goes.
Let's hope it goes well and that he would be accepted by your mother!
Funguy I could see it being used for play
Pretty sure it can be used as a game,yes.
Then reduce the amount by the time spent fighting it!
Angelina But you still have to subtract the time you spend on unwedchastity because of the belt.
This too,yes!
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Absolutely, yes.
Funguy I could see it being used for play
Pretty sure it can be used as a game,yes.
Most people seem to use chastity as a game. Serious use is one of the things that make this forum unique.
Then reduce the amount by the time spent fighting it!
That's why I'm all about the security. The more secure the belt, the quicker you stop fighting it. Nothing worse than a belt that keeps orgasm out of reach but seemingly attainable.
Angelina But you still have to subtract the time you spend on unwedchastity because of the belt.
This too,yes!
That's where internet filters come in. I can and will have to ask my wife for limits to be set on this website. The topic just interests me too much. Lol.
Vanessa They're generally pretty sure they're right and make us wear one for our good...
right, mostly it is a form of stubbornness, but no ill will
Jonas Serious use is one of the things that make this forum unique.
definitely, for that i even started to try to improve my english
Jonas The topic just interests me too much. Lol.
instead of masturbation addiction, you now have an addiction to writing about it. you develop addictions pretty quickly
Jonas making commitments that I can't easily go back on.
that is why I like chastity devices as a sort of "are you sure" prompt. They get in the way of absent-mindedly rubbing one out; getting the key or picking the lock both require some conscious effort.
I think in general you are doing well and you always find ways to deal with your addictions (like masturbation with chastity). keep doing what you are doing and you will become completely happy, but also frustrated.
Avery Wonder if the supervised showers are a part of that concern.
of course, if our parents think sexual pleasure is bad for us, then the supervised showers are also part of that concern.
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Avery I do not think that, outside of fetish couples, anyone is supervising showers for the viewer's gratification. I would even doubt most of the supervised showers mentioned on this forum involve someone constantly staring at the person in the shower, more like staying in the room and casting a quick glance at unpredictable interviews to make sure nobody is abusing their hygiene break. Also not a fan of the practice personally, but more because I see it as a sign of distrust than because I see it as an opportunity for a peep show. Then again, I am from a family where walking in on a family member in the shower was never considered a big deal.
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Thanks for this @Angelina, I really, really, appreciate the time you've put into understanding me.
My wife says to you: "Yeah, it turns out that this was the best thing for him, and I don't mean that in a horrible way, it just puts his focus onto positive things that improve his health and life".
Google defines "Frustrate" as "to Prevent (a plan or attempted action) from progressing, succeeding, or being fulfilled". Since I am doing everything I can to stop to unhealthy actions that I find pleasurable, (smoking, masturbation, hours on the PC etc). I think I am always going to feel frustrated. But frustrating and curbing my unhealthy desires and excessive behaviours is the point.
Alright Iโm back to talk about how my bf meeting my mom went.
When he came over I opened the door for him and then we went into the kitchen where my mom was cooking the dinner. They greeted eachother and then we went into my room to hang out.
After a while dinner was ready and I knew the tough conversation was coming now and I was hoping for the best, we sat down and talked about my bf most of the time my mom asked him many questions about his hobbies work family things like that. Then she asked what he thought about the belt and if he wants it off. He said that he thinks itโs weird that she has me in it and that he wants it off ASAP even if he thinks itโs sexy. (He told me he thought that later not infront of my mom) after that it was just normal conversation and they seemed to get along well. Nobody said anything bad and my mom said she thought he was a good choice and that he will do.
And thatโs basically it
Funguy even if he thinks itโs sexy. (He told me he thought that later not infront of my mom)
Good thing you clatified, I thought it was a little... bold... of him to bring that up.
Funguy Nobody said anything bad and my mom said she thought he was a good choice and that he will do.
If you remember your fist time at the forum you got the advice to stand to your opinion and refuse the CB. From your posting I get now the impression your mother accepts you as you are and see no further need to keep you in.
Your fears were groundless.