Alright I’m back to talk about how my bf meeting my mom went.
When he came over I opened the door for him and then we went into the kitchen where my mom was cooking the dinner. They greeted eachother and then we went into my room to hang out.
After a while dinner was ready and I knew the tough conversation was coming now and I was hoping for the best, we sat down and talked about my bf most of the time my mom asked him many questions about his hobbies work family things like that. Then she asked what he thought about the belt and if he wants it off. He said that he thinks it’s weird that she has me in it and that he wants it off ASAP even if he thinks it’s sexy. (He told me he thought that later not infront of my mom) after that it was just normal conversation and they seemed to get along well. Nobody said anything bad and my mom said she thought he was a good choice and that he will do.
And that’s basically it