I used the opportunity on Sunday thoroughly and not only just once. I had a very good time and a very much relaxing and long hot bath and after around four hours I heard the sound we all here know. "the click".
I was all jittery the whole evening and night and right now I am still feeling like I want to pleasure myself again today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And at the same time I feel again like I did when I in November started the trying period of no releases: I feel like I'm not in charge of my body and feelings, but that my body and feelings are completely in charge of me. Maybe I should either get out of the belt completely with all the consequences of having less freedom or I better should try another period of no releases. I don't know what I best do.
Maybe you can put some of your perspective of three years without the ability to touch yourself into it and tell me what to do and how to handle my feelings?
All others are free to tell me what they think of it as well of course ! 🙂