Well, as a theoretical exercise I like it, but as an idea, no.
I'm sure we all remember the first day we heard the "click" on our bellies, because that day we had an engagement, but I don't like the idea of ​​having a public ceremony.
It is certainly an important act, but intimate.

audioguy58 Giving a key as part of a wedding ceremony is something that was already touched on by Robert Pinkerton. I have a document around here somewhere that he sent me many years ago in regard to that.

It would be great if you share it with us, for sure.


    I find the idea interesting, but not good. it doesn't matter in what form, but wearing a chastity belt is always something intimate and personal. many (including volunteers) hide the belt, it's not for the public

    Ines how about a public lock exchange when the person already wears the belt? Like that the keyholder puts on a new lock only he / she has the keys to.

      Mmmm, no, I am big advocate of chastity belt, It is not a shame at all, but I prefer let it into private spheres.
      The parents discretely giving a key to husband in wedding is enough.

      At most, it could be "acceptable" that it was traditional that, upon reaching a certain age, a belt would be given away, but, more, no.

      Robert Pinkerton once told me of a Jewish friend who commented that giving a (non-Jewish) girl a chastity belt at age 13 was equivalent to a “goyische Bat-Mitzvah”.

      • Ines replied to this.

        In some cultures do not accept that a 13 years old child should not be sexualized.
        The comment is very sad.

          Have you ever heard about someone had a public ceremony of his girl friend pants?
          Sorry, as the other sad already it is a private topic and it should stay private.

          Another talk is it when your friend knows about your kind of relation and all invited people are in some way part of it, than you can do a ceremony. Go for it and send me an invitation. 👍

            Ines I had wanted to respond to your comment by merely including a link to the discussion “Age to Begin”, but that thread seems to have gone away.

            Ines In some cultures do not accept that a 13 years old child should not be sexualized.

            you've written this here before, but i'm kind of bothered by the word "sexualised". a chastity belt prevents sexual pleasure, so it's more the opposite, at least for anyone who takes the chastity belt as something serious.

            Joh Sorry, as the other sad already it is a private topic and it should stay private.

            i agree , we could also talk about other forms of ceremonies, but they should all remain private 😉

            • Ines replied to this.

              Well, It is clear that a girl wears a chastity belt for something. If a girl wears it is dilue she is considered as a sexual individual.
              When you are so young, wearing a belt takes you to a dimension where you should not be.
              I can understand a user does not have to be 30 years old, but sexualizing childhood is something that should not be echoed.

                Ines I can understand a user does not have to be 30 years old, but sexualizing childhood is something that should not be echoed.

                where I would ask again what you consider appropriate? 16?,17?,18+? 25.5489635?

                probably, after almost 3 years in the belt, the word sexualize bothers me a lot, please don't be angry with me that I don't see the belt as something sexualizing (generally not). it has to do with sexuality but something sexualizing would be something that promotes sexuality in my opinion and the belt does not do that if the concept of chastity is taken seriously

                • Ines replied to this.


                  Angelina 25.5489635

                  Nice number.

                  Angelina would be something that promotes sexuality in my opinion and the belt does not do that if the concept of chastity is taken seriously

                  A belt is a tool to avoid sexual contact of every nature, when someone pretends do it with a minor, that person is considering that small person as a sexual being, so... No in this forum.

                    Ines I see it as @Ines. The belt has an effect on your sexuality and with that you can not deny it.

                      Ines A belt is a tool to avoid sexual contact of every nature, when someone pretends do it with a minor, that person is considering that small person as a sexual being, so... No in this forum.

                      I wouldn't comment about age on the forum and definitely no child pornography and definitely no sexualization of chastity belts...
                      I would point out that women like me who wear from a young age do not struggle to masturbate and do not complain about feeling horny all the time. I would also remind you that chastity belts would probably be a lot better than FGM in those countries.

                      There is no reason to have minors on the forum especially since the loudest people who speak about chastity are people who are oversexed and want a break to make sex special again. Or are into BDSM.
                      The women who need help are quiet and timid and probably only one out of a thousand speaks up and their needs are drown out by people who own a chastity toy.

                      • Ines replied to this.


                        Megan I would point out that women like me who wear from a young age do not struggle to masturbate and do not complain about feeling horny all the time.

                        It is just the point, @Megan , you expressed it in one sentence.
                        I think exactly the same and I think it is too much in the forum.

                          Ines when someone pretends do it with a minor, that person is considering that small person as a sexual being

                          that would be true if the key holder was some strange adult, but in most cases here it is one's own parents, and it is usually about other things, usually you can sum it up as "good and decent daughter".

                          Joh The belt has an effect on your sexuality and with that you can not deny it.

                          of course the belt has an influence on sexuality, but in my opinion they are still two different things.

                            Angelina of course the belt has an influence on sexuality, but in my opinion they are still two different things.

                            Using a belt you are considering that the wearer has a developed sexuality. So, sorry, but not here.


                              I see that we will unfortunately not reach an agreement at this point 😞