Rafael On a theoretical level nothing should happen, but in reality I'm sure that although masturbation was something that they had strictly prohibited, they went too far from what they were allowed at times.
When the belt arrives, girls who have already had sexual pleasure I think not to the point of marriage, but I am sure they are much more likely to try to cheat which requires a much more rigorous regimen.
I’ve had a lot of time to refine this belief as well and I’m largely in line with you. I’m entirely opposed to masturbation, but I’m also equally opposed to anyone underage being belted. And most people discover masturbation pretty early. I think my viewpoint is, yes, masturbation is wrong, but God is more forgiving of childhood errors than those of adults. So perhaps the young should be counseled not to self-pleasure, but we turn a blind eye to what we can’t and shouldn’t stop. Then adulthood arrives, and it is time to put away childish things. Touching yourself with no regard for your future spouse is a childish act. But it’s hard as an adult to refrain, which is why a good girl accepts a belt to assist her willpower.
It’s regrettable that this means people are likely to become familiar enough with orgasms to fully know what they’re missing once the belt goes on, but I don’t see any other ethical path. I would have asked to be belted as a teen if I knew it was an option, but I also think it would have been wrong for my mother to agree.
And if the good feeling of orgasms pushes a woman to marry so she can enjoy herself in the loving light of her spouse? Well, that’s not a bad thing!