a_father And no teenager would ever tell parents, he / she wants to be locked in a chastity belt.

I can imagine such a situation if chastity belts were previously worn in the family and the GIRL became fascinated by them. EDITED

a_father It becomes very bad, when you can read here, the current weares would suggest their future daughters to wear a chastity belt.

I fully agree. In my opinion, this circumstance also confirms that wearing a belt gives such a person satisfaction - she likes being controlled and wants to control her child in this way in the future (this is the psychological projection of her preferences onto her girls). EDITED

    Andrew The average teenage girl of today, if her parents offered her to wear a chastity belt, would probably react something like this: "Are you completely fucked up!?".

    Yeah but it's not like that - first there's the talking the shame and guilt the what you did was wrong - and then promises. But yeah actually when they finally had the belt it was easier to say no - it seemed insane. Like it's still insane but actually not impossible I know now. And this is another thing making me think Mum must have worn one before like how can you but think it's insane unless you've done it yourself.

      Andrew Hey another thing I don't think it's weird to have tried it - like most of my friends if they had private access to a belt they'd try it for sure. But yeah I know letting parents control the keys is hella weird - I don't tell them that.

      Andrew I once held your point of view and do have the sources that helped me to change my mind. But this conversation feels too adversarial for my taste. I don't need to climb up a mountain to convince you. I simply need to ensure that my own position is correct for me.

      Jen Mum must have worn one

      I dunno about this. I think parents simply start from their aim and work backwards. If the aim is prevent-masturbation then a google image search will put chastity belts into their mind right away. Ofc the trouble is that this aim itself is 100% wrong without full adult consent.

      • Jen replied to this.
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        Jonas If the aim is prevent-masturbation then a google image search will put chastity belts into their mind right away.

        But my parents aren't crazy - how could they go from that to thinking it's ok.

          Avery I find this unfortunate. I get my ass patted by some of my classmates and teammates, not just strangers on the subway. I cannot imagine a society where women behaved as badly, or anywhere near it.

          Completely agree, we girls who have been well educated constantly see how they try to diminish our principles and they want us to behave like scoundrels and shameless.

          Andrew The average teenage girl of today, if her parents offered her to wear a chastity belt, would probably react something like this: "Are you completely fucked up!?".

          It depends on what that girl has seen in her family. I asked for my seatbelt, although the regime is a little stricter than what I expected.

            Raquel they want us to behave like scoundrels and shameless.

            They do. I hear them talk about their adventures in bars.

            Jen Maybe their protect button got pressed? That's enough to turn most parents into unstoppable terminators!! 😄

            Joh Many are, for sure. But some - or even many aren't.

            Avery Interresting. I've always thought that's a male issue only

            Laura But they were adults, right? We talk about parents introducong the belt.

              Andrew I don't think @Angelina likes to be controlled. She doesn't want to continue wearing when she is married. But she thinks about suggesting her (future) daughter wearing a belt...
              Wearing a belt is In my opinion a mixture of fear losing parent's love and conditioning. When you always hear sex an masturbation are bad and the Holy Grail is wearing a chastity belt you will beliefe it. (You should read Skinner's theory of behaviorism.)
              But in my opinion most keyholders here have a dominant streak an like making the females in the family wearing a chastity belt. Why should EDITED when they can have it in the family? I know, hard words, but the keyholderrs here should think about. Maybe it's a mixture of wanting to be dominated and a dominant keyholder. For me it's nothing but a EDITED inside a family. When a couple likes having such a relationship and both are fine with it, it's ok. But when this relationship includes the daughters (or sons) it becomes abusive.
              And I exclude @Renita . She has other reasons (or not?).

                a_father But they were adults, right?

                Yes, my that friend was an adult

                a_father Andrew I don't think @Angelina likes to be controlled. She doesn't want to continue wearing when she is married. But she thinks about suggesting her (future) daughter wearing a belt...

                It's possible you're right. However, I do not wish to discuss individual cases.

                a_father And I exclude @Renita . She has other reasons (or not?).

                Why? The same, if we are talking about mastrubation

                a_father I know, hard words

                Then, do not use them. It is easy.
                Your tone does not make favour to conversation climate.

                  Joh Under consideration you start to find out what sexuality is masturbation is the first step before you have a relation with someone else.

                  yes, that was the case with me too, but it's a bit difficult with the other one. I was 14 and then your example is correct, but many started much earlier than I did


                  so just so i get it right: your thesis is that you think i accept the belt because i have sadomasochistic traits, wow !

                  a_father It becomes very bad, when you can read here, the current weares would suggest their future daughters to wear a chastity belt.

                  I would never suggest it to my daughter, but talking about it is not a crime, what my daughter does with the information would remain her own decision

                  a_father But she thinks about suggesting her (future) daughter wearing a belt...

                  no, I don't, sorry if that was expressed wrongly, I just want to show her what I wore, why and what advantages and disadvantages there are, after that she can decide what she wants, she can also ignore it completely. I'm only writing about hypothetical situations in which my daughter would want it and how I would react to it

                    Angelina and disadvantages there are

                    As the past behavior of your father.


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