Keyholder welcome thread.
Damien What kind of support would help you to stay chaste?
This question surely deserves it's own thread!
For my own part the only support I really need is checking. I don't like the "lock them up and throw away the key" mentality. I need to feel that someone gives a f*** about me and actually cares that I stop pleasuring myself and get out and live life.
Damien If you choose to date belted, please be proud of that.
Tell it!! This is so true. Wearing a belt is special, it is interesting, it is cool.
Damien I keyhold for adult ladies who wear out of their own motivation.
Even though I am sitting here totally locked up myself, I can see how keyholding could be very interesting. @Tobbe holds keys for people and seems to absolutely love the idea. What was it he said? "The best invention since the wheel"! Lol.
When I mention dating, I have a classic first date in mind - café or restaurant, talking to get to know each other.
Laura Ideally I'm keyholding for humans, not hymens. I see virginity as an abstract cultural ideal, associated with purity, chastity, and certain standards of social behaviour. In former times, girls who have never been with a man have been called a virgin. What is virginity to you Laura? Somebody had oral or anal sex and gave or received many orgasms, but was never penetrated vaginally, is she virgin? Somebody who tore her hymen when she was four by accident? I don't want to sell a virgin to the highest bidder, so I mostly care about her current motivation and state of mind.
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Your answer seems to be about a family tradition of unwed chastity, but as you brought up virginity: What is it to you?
Sin I can't imagine how much my life would suck if I permanently hooked up with the first few guys I dated as a teenager.
I think the idea is that the bad guys won't marry you, so instead of getting stuck with them you never lose part of your heart to them if that makes sense.
But we each need to find our own path, and decide on our own goals.
Sin I can't imagine how much my life would suck if I permanently hooked up with the first few guys I dated as a teenager.
then you had different values as a teenager than you do today, i think that's one of the main reasons why relationships fail. How often do I ask myself: "he/she" must have felt something for the partner, what happened?
Angelina then you had different values as a teenager than you do today, i think that's one of the main reasons why relationships fail. How often do I ask myself: "he/she" must have
I just think it takes time to get to know someone and decide if you want to spend the rest of your life with them. Sometimes you fall into complacency because it's comfortable, but with the benefit of hindsight you realise you should have broken up much earlier. Sometimes it takes a while to figure that out. It's easy to go "He / she is the one!" when you first fall in love. Doesn't mean it is though.
i think especially when you're young (and yes i know, i'm still young myself) you tend to look for a partner just to have a partner. your first friends also have partners and you don't want to be alone. unfortunately, this often leads to finding the wrong one and not wanting to admit to yourself that it would be better to be single.
Jen A critical period has turned out to be 5 to 7 years. During this period, in most relationships the little things have accumulated into a problem. Even if things go very well in the first years, it can then come to a break if it is not actively dealt with by both.
I want to show how important it is to get to know each other over a longer period of time. It may seem like a trial and error. I think it is time well spent compared to a lifelong relationship.
This doesn't mean you need to have Sex with him during this time. If He is the right one He will wait.