curious See my 3xample about the. church. You can stand on the street and tell everybody that there is no God and atheism is the only right way. Perfectly fine. But saying the exact same thing inside a church is wrong and disrespectful because that place is dedicated to worship a God.
But this is not a church. This is not a place to worship chastity. This is a place where people who deal with chastity belts in their daily lives in some way come together and talk about the way it affects our lives, and how to best live with it. We have enthusiastic wearers, sure, but there are also less-than-enthusiastic wearers and even some less-than-consensual wearers in here. Our job is not to make them like their chastity belt, it is to support them through their daily lives. And sometimes, in cases of extreme non-consent, even to provide them with resources that can free them of the belt.
And even if we assume that a person wants to not have sex, they are still free to make their own choices as to what chastity means to them. Saying no to sleeping around is very different to saying no to any form of carnal pleasure whatsoever. And even if you want to stop any form of touching for pleasure, how far are you willing to go. A chastity belt has practical drawbacks - dealing with them is a major part of what this forum is about - and whether a person is willing to endure them all to achieve their goal is their choice and theirs alone.
None of us are against sexual abstinence, or no-carnal-pleasure-at-all chastity. But I think it is justified to speak out against not just physical, but also emotional pressure to put people into belts.