I don't know enough about male chastity or long term denial to say much about them, but I see something concerning about your relationship with your keyholder.
It sounds like you are in what the kids call "the friend zone," where you get just enough female companionship from her to dull your drive to pursue a relationship elsewhere, but not enough to satisfy your needs.
The level of intimacy between you, where she watches you clean and sometimes cleans you, could also add to the complication.
The usual advice I hear people give each other for getting out of "the friend zone" is to stop spending time with the other person, but for you that would be a huge change and probably mean quitting chastity.
Something else to consider is that a 32 year old is very different from a 16 year old. You really have no idea what your normal life would be like today without chastity. (Not counting the first several weeks of freedom. Even I could probably predict what those would be like.)