Getting a job, so you can be free from chastity
Renita You got the causality backwards. He is moving in with his girlfriend to get rid of the belt, not getting rid of the belt to move in with his girlfriend.
Trismegistus Because I want to have sex with my girlfriend.
Maybe your dad is not so wrong
Ines Maybe because many people have experienced similar situations in families with conservative background.
Also I was caught only two times, so I don't know what frequency of getting caught you are talking about.
Trismegistus Also I was caught only two times, so I don't know what frequency of getting caught you are talking about.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would let themselves be caught masturbating a second time when the first situation led to such drastic consequences. Sorry, but your story sounds like gay porn to me.
Laura And if they are mature enough
He has a job, he will be living in an apartment controlled by his girlfriend's parents so there is family supervision, he mentioned school. there is some promise there. In any case, clapping unwilling people (he has said he is unwilling) is not the policy of the group.
Avery I mean, reluctant gay (where a male who is otherwise straight gets involved with another male as the bottom) is pretty much its own porn genre. But I feel like a porn plot would avoid more anal sex than that. Either in an incestuous manner with extremely dubious consent, or simply to find other forms of relief. Since the story involves neither, I would not be so quick to dub it a porn plot.
Andrew Lol. I didn't βletβ my father to catch me, he usually storms in my room without knocking.
And the second time I didn't ever hear him when he got home. I tried to fight, but I was too afraid of the consequences to resist against his rules.
After those incidents I started reading psychology and found out that his behaviour is toxic. I am still his son, but we have different worldviews.
He believes it's his right of power to impose rules for my sexual behaviour. I believe everyone should be free to decide what to do with their body.
My girlfriend is by my side and has really helped me to realise I can be the architect of my own life. And nobody can stop me expressing my freedom.
Avery Thank you, Avery! You understand my situation. It's awful that my gf and I are attracted to each other, but we can't enjoy the physical side of our love. I am more frustrated that she is, because her parents don't think masturbation and sex are unhealthy or sinful.
Laura In my country age of consent is 14, so we both are old enough to decide if we want to make love. But no, my father decides on my behalf. I understand some people have fetishes, but being forced or manipulated to wear a chastity cage/belt is abuse.
I'm not afraid to work hard, I only want my freedom back and I'm willing to pay the price.
Trismegistus I didn't βletβ my father to catch me, he usually storms in my room without knocking.
And being fully aware of the situation in your home and your father's behavior, you jerked off so carelessly that you got caught a second time???
BTW, I come from a country where almost no one knocks when entering their child's room and I don't know of a situation where anyone has been caught masturbating even once...
Andrew I wrote about this. The second time he caught me with the cage, so he replaced it with a belt... And usually people don't confess they got caught masturbating in conversations. I didn't tell my friends about my situation, because I feel ashamed. Only my gf knows.
Andrew Also your logic here is crooked. If you haven't experienced something, that doesn't mean it never happens.
Andrew I mean, it takes a lot longer to get off with a cage on, and probably makes more noise as well. A sexually desperate mind is also frequently not the most careful state a person can be in. All that makes every act of masturbation risky, especially if the bathroom door policy is unlocked so you could not innocuously hide in there either.
youdontknowme You're right. I was only thinking how to cum. When I get home from school, I usually have 2 to 3 hours alone time. That day my father got home earlier than usual.
The door of our bathroom doesn't have a lock, so it's useless to hide there. The walls to the bathroom are thin, and my father can hear everything if he's home.