Sara2001 Do you have rules in this area?

I do..
But i think we have to go somewhere else for further discussion..
Do you use any chatting app or e mail?

    Liana Do you use any chatting app or e mail?

    I do, @Laura can you give her my email? Looks like this becomes a habit 😊 Thank you for your help.

      Emily Hi Emily 😀 .
      Where are you from?

      EDITED If you want an interrogation, then use adequate threads.


        welcome to the forum 🙂

        what kind of belt do you have (i.e. which brand) ? Do you wear it 24/7 or do you have breaks?

          Emily Hello Emily,

          So why did they decide a Canadian girl needed such treatment?

            James i decided too, not just them. Partly for religious reasons and partly as an agreement with my parents and partly because i think i understood some of the benefits

              Emily Oh, how do you find attending school in a belt?

              i am home schooled, so at least that part is easy lol

                Laura Done

                I haven't received anything yet
                Is there any inbox in this site ?

                  Liana Is there any inbox in this site ?

                  No, I have sent to your e-mail address. And it was sent "status=sent (250 2.0.0 OK "

                    Emily its a mysteel and yes i wear it 24/7 for a long time now

                    I also have mysteel, do you "only" wear the belt or also bra and/or thigh bands?

                    Emily i decided too, not just them. Partly for religious reasons and partly as an agreement with my parents and partly because i think i understood some of the benefits

                    so you don't really wear the belt involuntarily but because it gives you advantages in other areas of your life ?

                    Nate None of us are willing wearers then, for sure.

                    Convinced in your case,reluctantly in your brother's case?

                    Nate I don't think I really need to have an emergency key, as I never needed it and I could be tempted to unlock.

                    It is very important to have an emergency key,however.



                    Emily its a mysteel

                    Good brand!

                    Emily i wear it 24/7

                    Sorry for you...


                    Mainly your decision?And so,you're a a willingly wearer?

                    • Nate replied to this.


                      Well, mostly convinced in my case and reluctant in Jake's. He would never agree if he didn't need to move out to study.
                      As for the emergency key, I see my bf nearly every day, so it's like if I kept it at home. Do you carry your emergency key with you?

                        Emily i decided too, not just them. Partly for religious reasons and partly as an agreement with my parents and partly because i think i understood some of the benefits

                        What exactly do you mean with religious reason and which benefits do you see?

                        Nate Hi Nate, my name is Alex, I have a similar situation, maybe we can share our experiences and communicate better?

                        • Nate replied to this.