Sara2001 From what I can find on the internet, I am more or less in the middle and it could be a lot stricter.
Well,I guess so,it could be way stricter,even if it si still very strict,in my opinion.
Sara2001 He normally only denies something for a good reason and from time to time to remind me that it is not only a formal thing, but this never happens when it has really drastic consequences.
Good he doesn't do it for important things,but I don't feel it is very fair to refuse you to have a permission only to show you he can do it...I hope he wouldn't do it for long,only at the start.
I agree that if you can do it and that rules are done out of love,it can be manageable.I wouldn't like it,but I can understand you may be happy this way.
Angelina hmm i have thought a lot about it, especially about the point if you want to meet your friends. are you allowed to leave the house alone ? how is it if you meet friends of yours by chance and daniel doesn't know them, are you allowed to talk to your friends or do you need his permission ?
Good questions.