Angelina this is exactly what my father gives as a reason why a married woman should not wear a cb
I can understand his opinion.
Angelina a hard rule but understandable. this rule promotes good behavior, even if it is difficult I would support the rule, but not the punishments
Yes,I didn't like it a lot(especially when I got older),but I knew it was not a good idea to rebel willingly against it by leaving the table without asking...But I understood why.
Sara2001 I can accept strict leadership as long as it is out of love.
It is necessary.
Sara2001 I think it's very common in this kind of relationship.
I think it is very extreme in your case...
Sara2001 Yes, basically that's true but it has nothing to do with maturity. It doesn't matter if I would be able to decide all this on my own. He likes it to be in charge of these points and I happily accept it if it makes him happy and if he denies it only for good reasons.
Sara2001 I suggest what I like, he could order whatever he sees fit, but he always ordered what I wanted.
It seems he likes to be allowed to tell you what you can do or can't do and expect you to obey him(or punish you if you don't,I guess),but generally agree to give you the freedom you asked for.If he always acts this way,no problem,but if he decide to be more strict and don't allow you what you asked,I think it would be way too strict.
Ines I think that improving in situation has to be giving more freedom to the girl, allowing us make more things, be more comfortable, trusting in us.
I feel a bit like you and @Angelina;having more important tasks to do is a pleasant sign of trust from my parents.
Angelina how did your school exams go ?
I would like to know it too.