Vanessa .As if he should not consider you as mature enough to take such decision.
this is exactly what my father gives as a reason why a married woman should not wear a cb
Vanessa About not denying the permission,it reminds me something I had to do when younger.When I ate,with my parents,with family or family's friends,my parents often told me,if I wanted to leave the table,I must ask them and they would almost always allow me.It was not very useful,so,but it was more polite and well mannered.They always kept their promise,but,if I left the table without asking,I was severely spanked and grounded a few days as soon as we came home,so I mainly accepted it(same rule,and punishment,for my twin).
a hard rule but understandable. this rule promotes good behavior, even if it is difficult I would support the rule, but not the punishments
Vanessa About the restaurant,would he "only" order it for you,or would he decide what you would have to eat?
I wonder that too, if he only ordered for her it is ok, if he decides what she may eat it is absolutely not ok