Vanessa hope he would accept way more things,however,even if it seems he'll be pretty strict about it,too...
I can accept strict leadership as long as it is out of love. I don't need independence when I feel protected and that he cares for me.
Vanessa I think it is very limiting...A bit too much in the modern world,even in a man led relationship,in my opinion.
I think it's very common in this kind of relationship.
Vanessa I think the fact your boyfriend use the same way,for different parts of your life,a bit unusual.As if he should not consider you as mature enough to take such decision.
Yes, basically that's true but it has nothing to do with maturity. It doesn't matter if I would be able to decide all this on my own. He likes it to be in charge of these points and I happily accept it if it makes him happy and if he denies it only for good reasons.
Vanessa About the restaurant,would he "only" order it for you,or would he decide what you would have to eat?
I suggest what I like, he could order whatever he sees fit, but he always ordered what I wanted.