Sara2001 This is the main concept behind a male led relationship and for Daniel it is not a question that he will become the male leader and that it is the job of the mail leader to make any decisions and that it is his job to always give my interest the top priority.
I think this is a very difficult job. Much more difficult then obeying.
I think I can understand it can be a harder job.Less limited,but more to think.
Sara2001 I think I will be as restricted as I am now, just some parts will be less strict while others will be more strict. But I think a common misunderstanding in the concept for outsiders is that I am regularly not allowed to do many things. An example is that I need permission to go out. My father would never deny my request without a good reason nor would Daniel. If I want to go out and I have done my tasks for the day, I can of course go out. I just have to ask permission before.
I wouldn't like to have to ask permission for going out when married,even if almost always allowed.I would find it pretty humiliating...Telling before I go out,however,would be ok.
I think too.
In the game "Mass Effect",we always play the Commander Shepard,but,we can choose to play a man or a woman,and choose his/her name.For men,the most common was John,and,for women,the most common was Sarah(or Sara,I don't remember).
Angelina my father would never deny me access to my money 😉
Getting his opinion would still be interesting.
Sara2001 I think my father draws the red line at another position then you 🙂
I think too it depends on each family,and on the opinion on different subjects.Maybe @Sara2001's father would think your father is too strict because you have to wear a chastity bra permanently.