29-year-old virgin
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a_father You have a job and (I hope for you) money.
And investments.
a_father So you can move out whenever you want.
Yes I can if it's needed
a_father How long will you be belted?
You know it
a_father When is the right time to start your own life?
What for? You still didn't tell me a good reason
Vanessa All of them were wearing a chastity belt until marriage?
Not everybody, but most of them. Females, of course
HHelen as Iโve said before, I have a certain admiration for your dedication to purpose and I wish my own mom had taken the kind of care you are showing.
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Saintprudence I have a certain admiration for your dedication to purpose and I wish my own mom had taken the kind of care you are showing.
Thank you. Back to the topic, I'm pretty sure, that age is not an exception.
a_father Till the age of 30, 35, 40
Do you mean, that girls in these ages are hopelessly old?
a_father one reason I started my sunk-cost poll is because I strongly suspect that Laura went into the belt over her own objections but, as time has passed, has come to agree on some level that itโs probably worthwhile to stay belted until marriage because sheโs worn it this long.
Saintprudence Without a partner she will never marry. The belt doesn't make it easier.
a_father The belt doesn't make it easier.
A belt only prevents sex, but not relationships.
@Christine and @Abby82
you both understood it. that's why i can only guess @Laura. don't let your lifestyle talk you out of it, but if you are really looking for a partner become active yourself, but make sure that your partner at least accepts this lifestyle
@a_father @Renita @Abby82 @Laura A quote from wikipedia:
"Delayed gratification, or deferred gratification, describes the process that the subject undergoes when the subject resists the temptation of an immediate reward in preference for a later reward. Generally, delayed gratification is associated with resisting a smaller but more immediate reward in order to receive a larger or more enduring reward later. A growing body of literature has linked the ability to delay gratification to a host of other positive outcomes, including academic success, physical health, psychological health, and social competence."
Laura Not realy.
There are some sperging gammas on this forum who do not (want to) understand that there are people who have different values and priorities than them.
They cannot and do not want to understand but insist on running other peoples live.
Laura An unwed girl living alone doesn't sounds right.
i see it differently, living independently is something different than living with a partner/spouse
Saintprudence I donโt want to derail from the topic any further!
i did not understand the last posts on this topic anyway, so it is better if we stick to the topic