
before i came to this page, i thought that serious male chastity does not exist 🤣


I think it is not totally related to chastity but can be used as a tool related to it.For example,to use it only if he fights too much against his cage/belt,if his girlfriend don't like it.

    Me too!

    Perhaps should my new belt be equipped with that option. Even if I'm belted, my girlfriend hates that I struggle with my belt, which happens necessary sometimes.


      it can be used as punishment, but for me it has only a bdsm character

      Verrouille Even if I'm belted, my girlfriend hates that I struggle with my belt, which happens necessary sometimes.

      but you will also fight with thigh bands and in contrast to women, thigh bands have no effect on men's chances of success

      [deleted] but are you saying there's a psychological effect too? Do they help to accept wearing the belt or fight against it less in some way?

      it has a psychological effect, definitely.
      everyone would answer your other two questions differently

        Verrouille Perhaps should my new belt be equipped with that option. Even if I'm belted, my girlfriend hates that I struggle with my belt, which happens necessary sometimes.

        I think it is impossible to not fight it,even knowing it would be punished with the thigh bands,however.


        In my case I only fight the thigh bands in addition to the chastity belt...

        Angelina it can be used as punishment, but for me it has only a bdsm character

        Even if you wear these,too?

          Vanessa In my case I only fight the thigh bands in addition to the chastity belt...

          it is exactly the same with me, I have never fought less through the thigh bands

          Vanessa Even if you wear these,too?

          for what, in my eyes it has nothing to do with chastity

          [deleted] that they can feel calmed by restraints

          i am a calm person, but this makes me feel more angry 😂

            Angelina i am a calm person, but this makes me feel more angry

            Maybe some people just calm down somehow because they know they have absolutely no chance to cheat on the belt with the restraints, so they give up fighting and calm down by that.
            And others just feel comfortable in restraint and calm down by that.

              Max9 so they give up fighting and calm down by that.

              I think I am too ambitious for that, when I want something, I give everything 😂

              • Max9 replied to this.

                Angelina Just like me, when I'm very involved with something. I often don't give too much effort when it's about something I can also live without, but when I really want something I fight limitless.

                  Max9 but when I really want something I fight limitless.

                  and to cheat my belt (without my father noticing), is one of the goals 😉


                    I think how we react depend on our personality.

                    But I'm not sure it would have one of these effect for a man,however.

                    Angelina for what, in my eyes it has nothing to do with chastity

                    So,you don't consider it as part of your chastity?


                    Similar for me,trying to find a way to cheat on my chastity belt while my parents don't notice.Without success until now...🙁


                      thanks, but it will probably be impossible

                      Vanessa So,you don't consider it as part of your chastity?

                      for women yes, but not for men 😂

                      Vanessa Similar for me,trying to find a way to cheat on my chastity belt while my parents don't notice.Without success until now...🙁


                        Angelina it will probably be impossible

                        Probably right...🙁

                        Angelina for women yes, but not for men 😂


                        Angelina and to cheat my belt (without my father noticing), is one of the goals

                        Vanessa Similar for me,trying to find a way to cheat on my chastity belt while my parents don't notice.Without success until now...

                        Can I ask why an idea that seems obvious doesn't work? I don't remember anyone suggesting it in one of Esteban's threads and I'm curious.

                        If that's OK, what thread should I ask in?

                          Tim Can I ask why an idea that seems obvious doesn't work?

                          why it obviously works ? it normally does not work

                          • Tim replied to this.

                            Angelina That's not what I meant.

                            If I was in your situation, there is something I would try as soon as I discovered that my fingers wouldn't fit under the belt. I don't remember anyone suggesting it, so I assume it's obvious that it doesn't work but I don't know why.

                            If I describe it, would you tell me why it doesn't work?

                            Vanessa Thank you. Before I post, I'll read through it again to make sure I didn't forget anything that was already answered.

                              Tim I would try as soon

                              i don't understand what you would try, i don't understand the context. i can get a finger under my belt with a lot of effort, but what should i try? i can't get the finger at an angle that brings me closer to my clitoris

                              • Tim replied to this.