Daphne Everyone is voting for permanent? There have been some women who get nonremovable piercing shields and I'm not sure about those.
I have worn nonstop for well over months but I really know my hygiene.


    What i mean with permanent is 24/7 wear with emergency and hygiëne breaks

    Megan ah, I see now. Yeah, I guess that would be a little weird until you saw the definition! I’ve seen enough people use “permanent” as a synonym for “24/7, minus cleaning times” that it didn’t jump out to me.

      Daphne very correct! You can wash a uniform midweek but a week’s worth of uniforms is most proper.


      permanent means without mastubation breaks. hygienic breaks are also very important for permenant wearers.

        Angelina i'm sorry for you, but i wouldn't give the keys to a stranger. there are boxes where you can keep the keys and set a time when the box should open again, maybe that would be an idea, at least until you have found a suitable key holder.

        you can also enable a person to open them via app... if @Daphne wants a heyholder, that would be an option.

          well, this is an interesting thing to read after a few days off! Daphne, you should probably know that anything Pru says is just really how she wants to be treated. Or how she would have liked it in college before we met. Though you both do seem to be similar so maybe it works for you. No, I won't hold your keys.

          Max9 you can also enable a person to open them via app... if @Daphne wants a heyholder, that would be an option.

          right, but as i said before it should not be a stranger and if it is someone she knows, then he/she can also hold the keys naturally.

            Vanessa I think so.Opening the safe via app or holding the keys would be very similar.

            but then of course the complete human aspect is lost and i think especially for volunteer wearers the bond with the key holder is important.

              Angelina You hit the nail on the head (A german saying) . This is exactly what makes online keyholding or long distance keyholding untinterresting after some time... it still is a nice guardian for your lock, but it's just by far not the same as having a personaly keyholder.


                it depends. if the goal is only to remain chaste, it is enough, but then all tension is lost.

                • Max9 replied to this.

                  Angelina Sure, tension... it's just that that way you don't have any personal interaction... and probably also no partner... single life is sad life

                    Max9 single life is sad life

                    Having experienced both - I can totally agree with this statement - even knowing that for some, life in a relationship can also be very sad.



                      it depends singles can also lead a happy life, but what they lack in relationship must be compensated for through relationships with others (family and friends).


                        Yes,but,until she found someone who is ok to keep her keys,it would be a good possibility,with a similar purpose.