Daphne's dilemma
Megan ah, I see now. Yeah, I guess that would be a little weird until you saw the definition! I’ve seen enough people use “permanent” as a synonym for “24/7, minus cleaning times” that it didn’t jump out to me.
But yeah I'll have to get 5 pieces of the same uniform then. And then 2 weekend dresses
Daphne very correct! You can wash a uniform midweek but a week’s worth of uniforms is most proper.
Angelina i'm sorry for you, but i wouldn't give the keys to a stranger. there are boxes where you can keep the keys and set a time when the box should open again, maybe that would be an idea, at least until you have found a suitable key holder.
you can also enable a person to open them via app... if @Daphne wants a heyholder, that would be an option.
well, this is an interesting thing to read after a few days off! Daphne, you should probably know that anything Pru says is just really how she wants to be treated. Or how she would have liked it in college before we met. Though you both do seem to be similar so maybe it works for you. No, I won't hold your keys.
Saintprudence use “permanent” as a synonym for “24/7, minus cleaning times”
Right.And emergency key.
I think you are right and I agree there are many happy singles.
However, for the first 28 years of my life, I was essentially alone and I never experienced any of the joys that a loving family normally provides. I had my education and my career, but they were poor substitutes. It was just that at that time I didn't know any better. In retrospect those first 28 years were very sad indeed.
Vanessa Yes,but,until she found someone who is ok to keep her keys,it would be a good possibility,with a similar purpose.
maybe, but i'm not a big fan of it
interesting that reminds me a bit of my father who put his work and my upbringing first and therefore didn't have a woman by his side after he separated from my mother.
I understand what you mean, but it always depends, not every person is suitable for a relationship, many are very social but want to close the door behind them as soon as they get home and have their peace and quiet.
Angelina I understand what you mean, but it always depends, not every person is suitable for a relationship, many are very social but want to close the door behind them as soon as they get home and have their peace and quiet.
Smiles - no disagreement from me there. I also know some people like that