• PollFemale
  • just for fun and interest, should i wear a belt after after the wedding?

6 days later

short update on "Locktober"

the last few days are running, I'm already counting the hours. Yesterday I didn't have myself under control for a moment, or rather my hands weren't under control, so I spent the evening writing lines and in the bands.
In general, I am grateful for the experience. I have now realised that you can have positive feelings about wearing a belt. I don't know what this means for the future yet. My wife and I will discuss this, as I have also discovered a new side of her that I really like. But first I will put the belt and the bra back in a box and have a normal sex life. πŸ™‚

    Angelina as I have also discovered a new side of her that I really like

    That's a wonderful outcome. Hopefully you find more ways of exploring this before next October πŸ˜†

    Angelina Happy you’re discovering new things in your relationship and beginning to have positive feelings about your belt now that you’re in control of the dynamic

    Really great to have this experience, positive feelings, and that your wife has supported you so well. And all items, belt, bra, and thighbands with crotch chain are all used during this month. You must be proud you did it all during loctober (and liked it).

    Angelina But first I will put the belt and the bra back in a box

    Don't leave these too long in the box. NOvember is coming πŸ˜†

      Angelina Yesterday I didn't have myself under control for a moment, or rather my hands weren't under control, so I spent the evening writing lines and in the bands.

      Maybe besides the bands add an extra week in the belt and bra as well. Then you will have the opportunity to show you are a good girl now. πŸ˜†

      Padre Don't leave these too long in the box. NOvember is coming πŸ˜†

      Well, now the belt and the bra are packed away in a box again. I have to say it was a real relief this morning in many ways. Now we are enjoying our sex life again and we will have discussions about whether and how the belt might play a further role, but i don't want to go a whole month without an orgasm for now. πŸ˜ƒ

        September 26th, 2019 you wrote:

        Angelina short answer : no, never when i get married my time in chastity is over

        And now you successfully did loktober and you and your wife enjoyed it. How an opinion can change over time πŸ˜†
        Well done by the way. πŸ˜„

          Padre All a matter of perspective really. One way we hate something another way we enjoy it

          I've heard it said that sometimes our kinks provide a safe way to face and process our fears, our pain, and our trauma.

          If you believe this, there are no surprises here.

          Angelina I am glad you and your wife did Locktober and that it went well. It seems like you learned things about yourself and about the belt experience. Thank you for sharing your experience here. The more information we can all share, the better the forum becomes.

            Padre September 26th, 2019 you wrote:

            well, that was 5 years ago, i was in a completely different situation back then, that was the β€˜high phase’ of my chastity with permanently all devices and shortly before i met my current wife. i didn't know then how long i would have to endure all this, today i approach these things much more liberated

            Tjc The more information we can all share, the better the forum becomes.

            that's why i'm here to read and (if there's anything relevant) share experiences. of course i haven't had that many updates on the topic since my wedding, but if there's something exciting i'm happy to discuss it πŸ™‚

              Angelina my current wife

              Ah, this use of English by non-native speakers always amuses me. "My current wife" strongly implies you're going to divorce her and get a new one at some point. You'd say "my now-wife" if you're talking about someone who is presently your wife but who was not at an earlier time, if you don't want to suggest that this is a temporary state of affairs.

                Spork If you explore Japanese language it kind of gets worse. (Two things literally translates to "love person" means completely different things!)

                If you use ζ„›δΊΊ (pronounced "aijin"), which literally translates to "love person", it refers to "mistress" or "someone you have affairs with", implying that you are cheating on your partner. (Some non-Japanese people may use this to refer to partner, since ζ„› means love so they may think it's a correct way to refer to their partner) The proper way to introduce someone you genuinely love in Japan is to use word 恋人 (pronounced "koibito"), which means similar but it is correct word to refer to your partner.

                Angelina ell, now the belt and the bra are packed away in a box again. I have to say it was a real relief this morning in many ways. Now we are enjoying our sex life again and we will have discussions about whether and how the belt might play a further role, but i don't want to go a whole month without an orgasm for now.

                Maybe give ir a rest for now but do it again next Locktober? Maybe so could your partner and you could enhance experience by both being naked at home whenever possible?

                  Angelina the belt might play a further role, but i don't want to go a whole month without an orgasm for now. πŸ˜ƒ

                  You must be full of energy after such a month since it could build without interruptions. After that month a nuclear explosion to release all that build up energy. πŸ˜†


                    i am not particularly skilled in english rhetoric, i simply translated the german word β€˜aktuelle’ πŸ˜‚

                    Greatcornbow Maybe give ir a rest for now but do it again next Locktober?

                    It remains to be seen whether I will do the Locktober again, it's actually too long for me to do without orgasms for a whole month and it's too β€˜fetish-connoted’ for me. I think if the belt plays a role, it has to fit into normal everyday life.
                    but we will see πŸ˜‰

                    Padre After that month a nuclear explosion to release all that build up energy. πŸ˜†

                    that's right, it took 6 days and it's still not over πŸ˜ƒ

                      Angelina that's right, it took 6 days and it's still not over πŸ˜ƒ

                      Looks like your wife benefits from keeping you locked and needy as well - particularly if you made sure she did not miss out while you were locked as well πŸ˜›

                      Also, in German, "meine aktuelle Ehefrau" also sounds very much like you are not expecting the marriage to last very long.

                        youdontknowme Also, in German, "meine aktuelle Ehefrau" also sounds very much like you are not expecting the marriage to last very long.

                        Well, "my future ex" would probably describe it better. πŸ˜†