• PollFemale
  • just for fun and interest, should i wear a belt after after the wedding?

Angelina that's right, it took 6 days and it's still not over 😃

Looks like your wife benefits from keeping you locked and needy as well - particularly if you made sure she did not miss out while you were locked as well 😛

Also, in German, "meine aktuelle Ehefrau" also sounds very much like you are not expecting the marriage to last very long.

    youdontknowme Also, in German, "meine aktuelle Ehefrau" also sounds very much like you are not expecting the marriage to last very long.

    Well, "my future ex" would probably describe it better. 😆

      youdontknowme Looks like your wife benefits from keeping you locked and needy as well - particularly if you made sure she did not miss out while you were locked as well 😛

      i can already see that quite a few people want me back in the belt as soon as possible, but we haven't discussed or decided anything yet, i want to let some time pass first 😆

      Mr-TM Well, "my future ex" would probably describe it better. 😆

      i had to find some formulation for my wife who was not yet my wife at the time 😂

        Angelina i can already see that quite a few people want me back in the belt as soon as possible

        You cannot deny bursting with energy the result was fabulous. Both of you liked it. Better charge for a full month locked in the belt and bra for best effect. And thighbands plus extra week belt and bra time when you were naughty. 🤣

          I will refrain from trying to get another person to act out my fantasies like that. I will not suggest specifics unless asked to do so. But it seems very clear to me that you have found a way to turn this item into something both you and your wife can enjoy, but you still need to figure out the specifics. That is fine, take all the time you need. You do not need to prove yourselves to anyone, just do what feels right for now.


            don't give us too many ideas 😂


            your post brings me directly to a small update.

            so my wife and i talked a bit and exchanged ideas about what happened last month. we both realised that we really liked it and we would like to develop a concept for how we want to integrate the belt in the future. However, we don't want to start until the new year, so there won't be the belt for me this year. So over the next few weeks we will try to develop something that fits and if we are still ready and willing on New Year's Eve, then we want to start. so we still have some time to think about it.

            PS: I don't know if I can do it myself, but @Laura can now remove the Humor tag, it does seem to be getting more serious now 😉

              Angelina PS: I don't know if I can do it myself, but @Laura can now remove the Humor tag, it does seem to be getting more serious now


              Angelina don't give us too many ideas 😂

              You have a free membership to CBA (= Chastity Belt Adventures) 😂

              Now you had loctober. Next Denial Decade in belt and bra starting January 1st 2025 at 00:00 hour (happy new year 🎆🎇🥂) 😆


                i at least have years of experience, but i have to be honest, i wonder if i'm going crazy?
                I had actually finished with the belt, I didn't want the control anymore, even if it was perhaps only the control by my father, and now?
                Now I'm thinking about how we could integrate the belt into everyday life. 😂

                as always, all ideas are welcome, but only the serious ones 🙂

                  Angelina Now I'm thinking about how we could integrate the belt into everyday life. 😂

                  as always, all ideas are welcome, but only the serious ones 🙂

                  I'd recommend exploring a bit. Don't go back into the belt immediately, but maybe try some related activities. Find out what you enjoy before Dry January 😆

                  Angelina Perhaps you could wear it when the two of you are going to be apart. What constitutes apart would have to be decided. Just leaving the house to go to the store? Going away overnight? It would be a good reminder of each other and your commitment to each other hen you are apart. Of course, you could always do more when you are together, also.
                  I am glad that this is working out for you.

                  Angelina For how you could use it maybe something like, you wear it all the time, you still have a normal sex life but she has to be satisfied first before the belt comes off.
                  Or something along those lines.
                  I really think, at least it seems like anyway, that it wasn’t the belt you hated it was the control

                  Angelina i wonder if i'm going crazy?

                  Let me frame this differently: Would you not agree that having your parent's hands on your privates is very different from having your spouse's hands on your privates? Even without the implications on what the parent's intentions might be (surely motivated by kindness, not lust, of course), I would reckon that the touch of your spouse would be much more welcome.

                  But yeah, my proposal would be in line with Tjc and Sasha, perhaps even in the middle of the two: The belt comes off when you are both ready to make love. With obvious exceptions based on mutual agreement for anything from hygiene needs to outings where the belt would pose a practical problem of course. This is not about distrust in you, but in having your wife's loving embrace constantly present on your body, after all.

                  thank you for your input, my wife and i are currently discussing this very actively 🙂

                  first of all, we have come to a point, if i really take this seriously and really want to use it seriously, then i would at least have to wear the belt all the time. then there is no reason why i don't wear it except for sexual activities. for the bra you could use other standards, but we are still thinking about that. Thighbands should not be a permanent fixture and should only be used in exceptional circumstances, for example if I break one of the rules.

                  the big sticking point at the moment is how to balance the restrictions of the belt with a fulfilling sex life. this is important for our marriage, but the question is to what extent sexual control and my right to orgasms go together.
                  There are several possibilities. My wife could always unlock me when we want to have sex, or I could only get a limited number of orgasms. If we decide on a limited number, we have to consider how many I need to continue to be happy and up to what point it is okay to remain sexually frustrated.

                  these are the points we are currently discussing, including the issue of breaks for cleaning, so whether they will be monitored or whether I will be showered by my wife like in Locktober has not yet been decided

                  As far as an emergency system is concerned, we have already considered using sealed envelopes and we are considering setting a "trial period" so that we can back out if the whole thing does not meet our expectations

                  further ideas are of course always welcome 🙂

                    Angelina the big sticking point at the moment is how to balance the restrictions of the belt with a fulfilling sex life. this is important for our marriage, but the question is to what extent sexual control and my right to orgasms go together.
                    There are several possibilities. My wife could always unlock me when we want to have sex, or I could only get a limited number of orgasms. If we decide on a limited number, we have to consider how many I need to continue to be happy and up to what point it is okay to remain sexually frustrated.

                    I feel like instead of firm rules, you should leave some space for spur-of-the-moment decisions and give her some agency in deciding based on what feels right. Particularly if you want to explore your submissive side further. Set a minimum that is well on the frustrated side (though still somewhat bearable), but give her the opportunity to grant you more if she wants to. If it becomes too much, you can always adjust the arrangement later.

                    Sorta wondering if at any time in the foreseeable future, a new belt might be in the cards for Camryn, though.

                      youdontknowme I feel like instead of firm rules, you should leave some space for spur-of-the-moment decisions and give her some agency in deciding based on what feels right

                      Agreed, to a certain extent, although this could be on a "decide once per month" basis or something like that. I've found it's worth trying different things, rather than jumping into one set of rules.

                      youdontknowme Sorta wondering if at any time in the foreseeable future, a new belt might be in the cards for Camryn, though.

                      As someone in a relationship where we both have belts, I highly recommend considering this. Lots of scope for fun.

                        Angelina thank you for your input, my wife and i are currently discussing this very actively

                        Why don't you let your wife decide if, when and how you will get orgasms in the future - and also when you have to wear the bands? She needs to have the freedom to actively make decisions to develop her own style and ideas instead of following only your suggestions.
                        Yes, that might be more risky for you, as you could end up extended times in bands or without orgasms, but after all she is your wife, you love her and trust her. So show her your trust by giving her the freedom to make decisions as she sees fit.