thank you for your input, my wife and i are currently discussing this very actively 🙂
first of all, we have come to a point, if i really take this seriously and really want to use it seriously, then i would at least have to wear the belt all the time. then there is no reason why i don't wear it except for sexual activities. for the bra you could use other standards, but we are still thinking about that. Thighbands should not be a permanent fixture and should only be used in exceptional circumstances, for example if I break one of the rules.
the big sticking point at the moment is how to balance the restrictions of the belt with a fulfilling sex life. this is important for our marriage, but the question is to what extent sexual control and my right to orgasms go together.
There are several possibilities. My wife could always unlock me when we want to have sex, or I could only get a limited number of orgasms. If we decide on a limited number, we have to consider how many I need to continue to be happy and up to what point it is okay to remain sexually frustrated.
these are the points we are currently discussing, including the issue of breaks for cleaning, so whether they will be monitored or whether I will be showered by my wife like in Locktober has not yet been decided
As far as an emergency system is concerned, we have already considered using sealed envelopes and we are considering setting a "trial period" so that we can back out if the whole thing does not meet our expectations
further ideas are of course always welcome 🙂