Angelina you are 18, you must have parents, a relationship or good friends, right?
It's not that easy. Do you habe a friend who you would trust to hold the keys if you were single and if your parents wouldn't hold them?
You don't want to seem crazy to the close friend who you ask and loose him that way.
Max9 It's not that easy. Do you habe a friend who you would trust to hold the keys if you were single and if your parents wouldn't hold them?
that's a difficult question, but i think if i wanted to wear a belt voluntarily and my father didn't want the keys and i was single (now i've blocked out my entire world ) .... yes i would ask my best friend, i've known her for over 10 years and i trust her 100%
my name is Kaushal, I live in eastern europe. I found this forum, while looking for a chastity belt for my fiance. I hope to get some tips and information on my purchase.
We talked about it already and even though she is not syced about it she agreed, since she knew this was in store for her before we got engaged. We will start with temporary wearing, but the goal is obviously full time.
She will probably join here in the future to get her own advice, but only after we recieved the belt.
Thanks so much for having me here.
BR Kaushal
Hello to both of you,
Jonas My family is very traditional when it comes to women, but I don't know anybody who is wearing a chastity belt. Most of my extended family wouldn't be able to afford a custom made belt. Nevertheless I don't think a girl would have very good chances of getting married, if she isn't a virgin so I am pretty sure my sisters still are. My fiance is from more liberal family, this is why I decided I wanted her to be locked up. We will definitely use the belt before the marriage, to help her adjust and transition to full time. After marriage there will be probably not so much time for her to wear it, since belts and pregnencies don't seem like a good combination.
Kaushal Nevertheless I don't think a girl would have very good chances of getting married, if she isn't a virgin so I am pretty sure my sisters still are.
Welcome to the forum. Good to hear about another family with the same values as mine.
And no, we have no ties with @Kaushal 's country
Kaushal My fiance is from more liberal family, this is why I decided I wanted her to be locked up.
Is she still a virgin?
Kaushal My fiance is from more liberal family, this is why I decided I wanted her to be locked up.
Uh-huh. If it's not a tradition for her, how did you convince her?
Kaushal We will definitely use the belt before the marriage, to help her adjust and transition to full time. After marriage there will be probably not so much time for her to wear it, since belts and pregnencies don't seem like a good combination.
Will it be a long engagement then? Otherwise it sounds like as soon as she has adjusted to the belt, it will be time for it to be removed?!
Laura Is she still a virgin?
She has never been with a man before if that is what you mean and I believe her. But she has admitted to doing other things down there.
Jonas Uh-huh. If it's not a tradition for her, how did you convince her?
We talked and I told her that I would not stand for her to do that while we are married and I would put her in a belt to make sure if we ever got engaged. She wasn't happy at all, but when we got engaged a few weeks later she still agreed, knowing that this would be a condition.
Jonas Will it be a long engagement then? Otherwise it sounds like as soon as she has adjusted to the belt, it will be time for it to be removed?!
Probably not, but becaus of COVID you never know. But I am ok if it comes of soon after the wedding, if it means she is carrying our child. I will have to trust her to keep her fingers to herself, unless anybody knows a better way . We can still put it on again afterwards.
Renita For how long you were doing it?
Do you mean looking for a belt? We just got engagged a couple of weeks ago, so I started recently. I knew they were manufactured and I have heared chatter about some people using them on their wives, but I haven't seriously started to look into them for more than a week now.
- Edited
Kaushal She has never been with a man before if that is what you mean and I believe her. But she has admitted to doing other things down there.
Kaushal We talked and I told her that I would not stand for her to do that while we are married and I would put her in a belt to make sure if we ever got engaged.
So the belt will primarily be used to prevent masturbation?
She wasn't happy at all, but when we got engaged a few weeks later she still agreed,
knowing that this would be a condition.
Since your fiancee is used to free access, she has given you a great gift of trust. In addition she has committed herself to managing and tolerating the daily demands of wearing a chastity belt. I hope you can both become happy and proud of your choice.
I will have to trust her to keep her fingers to herself, unless anybody knows a better way
In such circumstances I can't think of any thing other than the honour system: a regular promise that masturbation has not occurred. However, without a belt to aid self-control, allowances do have to be made in the event of weakness.
We can still put it on again afterwards.
Yes ....with time again to allow for re-adaption.
Laura How about you?
I haven't been with a man before either and I also thinks she believes me in this regard
I have been with other women before, though not that many. I do believe there is a gender difference here though, if you are insinuating a little hypocracy on my part.
Jonas So the belt will primarily be used to prevent masturbation?
I don't think she has any intentions of cheating on me, but sometimes women forget to see the longtime picture and emotionally live in the moment, so I don't mind helping her stay true to what I know she wants.
We do still sleep in separate bedrooms, when we meet, or go on a trip. Good for corona I guess