It's very hard to picture what happens in a different country as far as India, but it seems really weird for me the idea that a parent can really says “since you don't want to wear a chastity belt I will kick you out from home”
I mean, unless being belted is socially acceptable (and I'm pretty sure it isn't almost anywhere) it is sufficient just to hint something like that this to colleagues, friends, relatives to destroy the family reputation. Something no-one will want to do, unless of course kicking out from home or doing some very bad action.
In my opinion belting parents are in a very weak position, and as soon as the daughter refuse it, they can just accept it. Maybe be unhappy, but that's all.
Also, I don't think that since wife, an independent adult, is belted, so the daughters must do the same. A belted wife can decides and get released more or less often, a belted daughter is released much rarely.